We aim to provide a free and safe space for Pokéfans of the federation, whether as a main general account to toot about anything, or for Pokémon-focused accounts to toot about anything related to the franchise.
The server’s registrations are currently set on manual approval, because the server is constantly targeted by advertisement robots. When submitting a registration application, please signal that you have read the server’s rules and that you intend to respect them. It’s also appreciated but not mandatory to link your existing fediverse or otherwise social media presence, if any.
If you want to help cover the financial costs of this server so we can keep this Pokémon community alive, you can send some Poké-dollars via Patreon!
If you prefer doing a one-time donation, you can do it with Ko-Fi.
Thanks to @codl, @setavulos and @hi_cial for the Donphan friend artworks!
Here is a more specific and verbose version of the rules on the bottom of this page.
The following guidelines, as well as their simplified version, are not legal documents, and final interpretation is up to the administration of donphan.social, they are here to provide you with an insight into our content moderation policies.
To make sure that this space remains safe and inclusive, we are blocking servers who either encourage hate speech, harassment, abuse and otherwise heinous behavior, or don’t moderate it strongly enough. Blocks won't be announced and blocked servers won't be notified of their block. The blocklist is accessible to registered users.
These servers and/or their administrators contributed directly or indirectly to donphan.social's life, and we would like to acknowledge and thank them. If you're looking for another server, we strongly recommend them!
@noiob has access to the server infrastructure. They are not going to be an admin or moderator here, but will be able to take over the server in case something happens that makes it so I cannot access it anymore. Please do not contact them unless it is absolutely certain that I won't have, or haven't had access to the server's infrastructure for a prolonged amount of time.
This server uses Mutant Standard Emoji, by dzuk and are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Pokémon icons Gen 1-7 from msikma’s pokesprite repository and Gen 8 from @EeveeEuphoria, modified by Siphonay
Pokémon icons from Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Gen 9 are taken from the National Pokédex Version Delta project, full credits available here
pokeball_think emoji by @Feufochmar
Gigantamax icon emoji by JorMxDos
Z-Moves icon emoji by ProfesseurVacoa
This server is not affiliated to Nintendo, Game Freak, The Pokémon Company or the Pokémon brand in any way.
This server uses resources from Pokémon media or substantially derived from it that are possibly copyrighted and/or registered trademarks. The administration of the server claims this to be fair use, and no copyright infringement is intended.