Why cockroaches are so resilient.
From @PopularScience: "This much-maligned bug is the ultimate survivor."

Why cockroaches are so resilient.
From @PopularScience: "This much-maligned bug is the ultimate survivor."
1.4-million-year-old skull fragments linked to mystery human ancestor.
@Gizmodo reports: "The fragmentary facial bones belong to Homo affinis erectus, an esoteric offshoot of our family tree that inhabited Spain more than one million years ago."
***The Following Contains Explicit Language and Adult Content***
AJ OUM Episode 298 - Ladies Night on OUM
Click here: www.linktr.ee/ajoum
#oum #wrestling #wwe #videogames #boardgames #wow #evolution #lexluger #hof #halloffame
New study finds that domestic cats traveled the Silk Road to China about 1,400 years ago.
Scientists date remains of an ancient child that resembles both humans and Neanderthals.
From @AssociatedPress: "The child’s remains were discovered 27 years ago in a rock shelter called Lagar Velho in central Portugal."
The biological world is awash in #chemical signals.
Some molecular messages find their targets; most linger unread in the environment.
But sometimes, other #species — chemical eavesdroppers, bystanders or visitors — can pick up and interpret the signals in their own way.
If the message is powerful enough, the impact can ripple out across an #ecosystem.
#biology #ecology #evolution #biochemistry
I'm sure the cockroach people of 5000AD will die laughing at them.
#evolution #extinction #memes #cars #humans
Linux Distros in March 2025: Here Comes A New Challenger! https://boilingsteam.com/linux-distros-in-march-2025-a-new-challenger-emerges/
#linux #distro #linuxgaming #update #foss #challenger #arch #cachyos #evolution #trend #market
Radical by Nature is out in paperback! This is an in-depth, intimate, and tremendously enjoyable biography of the long and remarkable life of Victorian naturalist #AlfredRusselWallace.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Evolution #HistoryOfScience #ScienceHistory #HistSci #Scicomm @bookstodon @princetonupress @princetonnature
Lieben Dank, @h0ldi
Aus meiner Sicht ist erst einmal entscheidend, dass gerade auch wissenschaftlich Denkende akzeptieren: Charles #Darwin hatte Recht - auch die Religiosität ist ebenso wie z.B. die Musikalität ein Ergebnis der #Evolution. Religiöse bilden kooperative Gemeinschaften, die sowohl lebensförderlich wie aber auch gewalttätig werden können. Entsprechend kommt es auch hier auf Dialog, Wissen & dialogischen Monismus an. Eine Sendung dazu von #QuarksundCo : https://scilogs.spektrum.de/natur-des-glaubens/quarks-co-glauben-wissen-evolution/
Computer simulations suggest that evolution itself could be evolving, depending on environmental pressures, meaning that the processes that change living things get revised as well. @ScienceAlert tells us why “this ain’t over yet.”
new #Introduction for the bsky bridge : I’m a #BioChemist turned #ScienceWriter, write a feature for every issue of #CurrentBiology, 2/month, mostly about #ecology #evolution #environment also #human, #cultural things seen thru #biology prism. Plus #ScienceBooks, most recently: #Intertwined: From insects to icebergs Also writing a #musical #FamilyHistory #memoir around #biography of our old #cello. #PirateLuthier fixing unloved #violins #NoCars #cycling, #trains, #liveable #cities #townmouse
*Drumroll*... review #500! The Future of Dinosaurs is a fresh take on pop-palaeo that flips the script by charting the limits of our knowledge.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Fossils #Evolution #Paleontology #Palaeontology #Dinosaurs #Scicomm @bookstodon
How popular crab memes amplify mistaken ideas about evolution.
Opinion piece from @SciAm: "Memes about repeated evolution of crabs have been co-opted to joke about technology and 'ultimate forms.' They’re hilarious, but they oversimplify natural variation, giving bad arguments a scientific veneer."
Ancient glacier finding reveals clues to how complex life on Earth evolved.
From @CNN: "Research published in the journal Geology suggests the flowing of ancient glaciers may have directly shaped chemical changes in the ocean that were critical for the evolution of complex organisms."
Researchers link a gene to the emergence of spoken language.
@AssociatedPress reports a study proposes "that a protein variant found only in humans may have helped us communicate in a novel way."
Why emus might not be the "world’s dumbest bird" after all.
From @PopularScience: "A small study found that some large birds are also capable of innovation."
Meet the capuchin monkey: Curious, creative and vengeful.
From @KnowableMag: "UCLA’s Susan Perry has devoted decades to studying the fast-motion life of these New World primates and learning how the young acquire the skills they need to thrive."