Here is today's second #flashbackfriday post, the first music compilation of Kirby music!

Here is today's second #flashbackfriday post, the first music compilation of Kirby music!
New Kirby, Dragon Quest and NieR:Automata merch making its way to Japan:
Merch madness
PowerA Kirby headset for Switch now available:
Earful mode
@SailorDisco I love Wind Waker, it's my favorite in the series as well.
I've been playing Kirby's Epic Yarn on my #WiiU this week. The past couple months have been a lot, and Epic Yarn is just so pleasant and joyful.
Bandai releases new Mario and Kirby-themed products:
Can't go wrong with either
I beat Soul Melter EX in #Kirby Star Allies with my 5yo, which is basically a harder version of the true arena because the 5yo repeatedly dies while you have to revive and beat it for him.
Everyone knows #Mario, #Link, #Samus and #Kirby, but #Nintendo has so many more franchises that have been left behind. We rounded them up as part of our #forgottenfranchises series
Details: https://www.maxi-geek.com/con/the-forgotten-franchises-of-nintendo
Kirby amiibo set for a reprint:
Another chance to snag this one
Kirby Street, a new Fortune Street mod, is now available:
Get your D-Bills ready
Good Smile Company's next wave of figures includes Splatoon, Kirby, and more:
Make room on your shelf