@evacide Don't forget, we all also have to take steps to protect ourselves.
For example, #LibreWolf and #pihole are wonderful defensive tools
@evacide Don't forget, we all also have to take steps to protect ourselves.
For example, #LibreWolf and #pihole are wonderful defensive tools
#Cloudflare Accused of Blocking Niche Browsers
A bit more...
I chose to delete history and cookies for everything but added exceptions to the things I really do want to stay logged into after I restart. That mostly works. I don't restart my browser too often anyway.
Just trying to balance privacy and security with some convenience.
More on LibreWolf.
- DuckDuckGo as default search engine. Check.
- "Ask to save passwords" disabled by default. Check.
- Logs me out of everything and wipes history on restart. But I can turn that off. So we're good.
OK then, trying LibreWolf (privacy based fork of Firefox).
First criteria: does it work?
- Got my important extensions installed and tested. Set up my pinned tabs. Logged into my important accounts. So far, so good.
I'll have to give it a few days to see if there are any pain points. I also need to learn more about exactly what it's doing for me beyond auto-installing uBlock Origin (I'm sure a lot more).
#LibreWolf v136.0.1-1 is now available.
No major changes from LibreWolf's end. See https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/136.0.1/releasenotes/ for upstream changes.
FlatPak builds are, again, slightly behind, but should follow soon.
Happy weekend everyone.
Here's a sneak peek at what's coming in June for #XeroLinux #Gnome edition. #FOSS #Linux #Arch #ArchLinux #Ptyxis #LibreWolf
Ok so the people have spoken, the overall winner of the poll was #LibreWolf. So in the upcoming ISOs moving forward it will be the default browser.. You can always replace it with whatever you prefer later on. #FOSS #Linux #OpenSource #XeroLinux #Arch #ArchLinux
Quick-and-easy installation instructions for #LibreWolf on #Debian, just #FYI:
doas apt update && doas apt install extrepo -y && doas extrepo enable librewolf && doas apt update && doas apt install librewolf -y
Okay, ok, I guess we're not ALL doas
enjoyers. XD
For my sudo
sudo apt update && sudo apt install extrepo -y && sudo extrepo enable librewolf && sudo apt update && sudo apt install librewolf -y
Recommend for an android web browser to replace Firefox?
I've heard of:
#vivaldi #libreWolf #waterfox #zen #opera
Not all of them have #Android clients which is a requirement for me.
What's the preferred privacy-focused non-ad #browser these days for phones?
I liked Firefox after I left chrome, and now Vivaldi seems acceptable so far.
I don't need sync, would like extensions, and I have to be able to use external password manager.
Let's the opinions fly! Thanks.
@librewolf Great to see you on #Mastodon. Just this week I started using #LibreWolf as my primary browser.
先把 #Firefox 换成 #LibreWolf 一段时间试试...
After looking more into it, the #Mozilla #Firefox data selling situation is pretty worrisome. Either in good faith or bad faith, Mozilla is just not good at its job at this point, therefore making them untrustworthy in my eyes.
I've been giving a shot at a few alternatives, and I think I'll stick to #Waterfox .
I can easily rebuild my workflow with it.
#Librewolf would be better but it breaks too many things for my taste, and honestly I don't have fucking fingerprinting levels of paranoia.
In unregelmäßigen Abständen gibt @mozillaofficial Anlass [social.tchncs.de] zur Frage, ob es inzwischen eher zur dunklen Seite der Macht zu rechnen sei.
Natürlich ist Google keine akzeptable Alternative (obwohl mir auffällt, dass viele Halbinformierte z.Z. von Firefox zu irgend einem chromiumbasierten Browser wechseln): Google hat eh schon zuviel Macht, was sich zuletzt darin zeigte, dass der beste Werbe- und Trackingblocker uBlock Origin nicht mehr ohne Klimmzüge mit mit Chrome benutzt werden kann [www.heise.de].
Wenn es eine gute Alternative zu Firefox gäbe, würden noch viel mehr Leute wechseln. Aber Firefox-Forks wie #Librewolf, #Ironfox und #Zenbrowser sind nur eine Übergangslösung [vmst.io]. Und WebKit-Browser lassen sich nicht mit AddOns wie uBlock Origin anpassen.
Wo bleiben die alternativen Rendering-Engines? Da gibt zum einen Ladybird [ladybird.org]. Das sah lange nach einem Ein-Mann-Projekt aus, aber inzwischen ist es eine Organisation. Ob es da mittlerweile mehrere Entwickler:innen gibt, wäre zu prüfen. (Update: Laut FAQ arbeiten 7 Vollzeitentwickler:innen an Ladybird, aber eine Alphaversion wird erst im Sommer 2026 erwartet.)
Außerdem wird weiterhin an der bei Mozilla entstandenen Next-Generation-Engine @servo gearbeitet, obwohl Mozilla das Rust-Team gefeuert hat, dem diese Engine zu verdanken ist. Die beiden auf Servo basierenden Browser Servoshell und Verso sind leider noch nicht alltagstauglich. Ich habe sie heute ausprobiert, damit ihr es nicht tun müsst.
Ich stimme @larsmb zu, der schreibt [mastodon.online], dass Servo und Verso das Zeug hätten, den Browser zu bauen, den die User sich wünschen – einer, der in ihrem Interesse arbeitet. Dafür sollte es Fördermittel geben – auch öffentliche, steuerfinanzierte. Bis dahin müssen wir mit den Übergangslösungen leben.
#LibreWolf v136.0-2 is now available.
This version fixes the bug breaking the LibreWolf settings page that got introduced in v136.0-1.
FlatPak builds are also working again and should be available on Flathub soon.
Does anyone know if #LibreWolf or any other privacy focused #firefox forks keep #screenreader and other #accessibility features? Sadly, most of these projects seem to consider accessibility an unneeded feature that ads bloat and security issues and just strip it out completely, so I don't have high hopes. This just seems to be the latest one getting popular after the recent #firefox issues. #a11y
For websites I log into (and trust) I switched back to #falkonbrowser from #kde .
For "casual browsing" I use and will stay with #librewolf because of script-blocker and other Addons available.
For mails etc. (PIM) I use Kontact/KMail and am really satisfied with this solution.
It's weird: #firefox would have the perfect opportunity to gather people around it because of manifest v3 in #chromium browsers. But they failed with flying colours.
@github what's going on here? Since I switched to @librewolf #LibreWolf I get a B.S. rate limiting error when I try and use search without logging in. I'm not using a VPN (and even if I was, so what?) and hit the GH site exactly once to load the main page, then a second time to do a search.
Already moved from #Firefox long back. But #Chromium based #Vivaldi is definitely not an option for me. I am happy with #Librewolf.