re: US pol, some thoughts on why people aren't rising up, thread
(18/18) I don't quite know the way forward, but I think there is a way, despite all the exhaustion and apathy, to still pull ourselves back from this #coup that #ElonMusk and #Trump are carrying out. I think there's still a way forward for us that doesn't end in #fascism. But I think we're going to have to deliberately and radically commit ourselves to care in a way that we haven't before. I don't quite know what that looks like. I think it is going to have to be something very new, something that builds on previous #leftist movements and #activist work but that transcends it. Not knowing what that will be is both exciting, because it's an opportunity to succeed where we might have fallen short in the past, and scary, because it's unknown and the future is uncertain.
All I know is that we have to try.