OpenAI macht KI zur "Frage nationaler Sicherheit" und fordert US-Dominanz
Als Reaktion auf den US AI Action Plan will OpenAI strikte Kontrollen und Urheberrechtseinschränkungen. Google plädiert hingegen für internationale Kooperation.

OpenAI macht KI zur "Frage nationaler Sicherheit" und fordert US-Dominanz
Als Reaktion auf den US AI Action Plan will OpenAI strikte Kontrollen und Urheberrechtseinschränkungen. Google plädiert hingegen für internationale Kooperation.
#OpenAI says national security hinges on getting to do whatever they want. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/03/openai-urges-trump-either-settle-ai-copyright-debate-or-lose-ai-race-to-china/
OpenAI bringt den Operator nach Deutschland
OpenAI hat mit dem Rollout des KI-Agenten Operator in der EU begonnen. Dieser basiert auf einem Computer-Using-Agent.
Sam Altman is a liar.
Generative text is not creative writing.
Nobody wants to read what you can't be bothered to write.
Just published! "Why Does Training AI Seem So Expensive?"
Is the "billion-dollar AI training" narrative actually true, or is it a convenient story that benefits big tech companies?
I break down the real hardware costs, explain what "AI" actually means (hint: LLMs aren't "true AI"), and why this matters for the future of tech innovation.
#AI #MachineLearning #TechIndustry #OpenAI
Announcing the latest title in Open Humanities Press's MEDIA : ART : WRITE : NOW series:
Masked Media: What It Means to Be Human in the Age of Artificial Creative Intelligence by Gary Hall.
Available open access - to be downloaded for free:
If we want a socially and environmentally just future, do we need a radical new theory of change – or to radically change theory? Unsettling received ideas of the author and the book, originality and copyright, real and artificial intelligence, Masked Media tests ‘non-modernist-liberal’ modes of creating and sharing knowledge enabled by media technologies, from writing through to GenAI. Thinking outside the black box that renders Euro-Western knowledge-making practices invisible – keeping the human ontologically separate from the nonhuman – it shows there’s no such thing as the human, the nonhuman already being in(the)human.
#newmedia #academicpublishing #experimentalwriting #humanities
#philosophy #ai #openai #genai
OpenAI Operator: API für eigene KI-Agenten veröffentlicht
KI-Agenten selbst erstellen und einbinden: OpenAI macht Responses API, Tools und SDK für Entwickler verfügbar.
#OpenAI is teaching #ChatGPT to spew out #MAGA loyalty signals like ”All lives matter” in response to #BlackLivesMatter. ”Avoiding moral authority” in questions like Palestine. Teaching it that ”it’s a complicated question” is the wrong answer to nonsense constructions aimed to discredit a minority
USA is the wrong place to build a machine that will steer the intellectual development of the coming human race
It’ll come on the side of soft eugenics & false equivalencies
OpenAI pumpt 11,9 Milliarden US-Dollar in CoreWeave
Nach Microsoft bucht nun auch OpenAI CoreWeave-Systeme für riesige Geldsummen. Der Zeitpunkt vor dem IPO dürfte nicht zufällig sein.
Given it's track record of deception, it occurs to me #OpenAI may not really be about achieving #AGI
It actually makes more sense that it's just building out enormous #data infrastructure, to hoover up and analyze every morsel of your data, in an effort to establish an authoritarian #PoliceState.
The #billionaires grow richer and more powerful. They are few, and we are many.
Do you think they're just gonna let us take it?
No. They're doing everything in their power to reinforce their defenses.
Video-KI Sora: Drei Dinge, die man vor der Nutzung beachten sollte
Die Video-KI Sora ist nun auch in Europa verfügbar. Wir haben sie getestet und teilen im Video unseren ersten Eindruck.
And a subset of people will always prefer honest human expression over the slop plagiarism machines are pumping out.
Ai is capitalism min maxing productivity and labour costs.
OpenAI plans to introduce "agents" that serve niche markets, such as:
The pricing tiers start at $2,000 per month and climb up to $20,000 per month.
That appears to be an attempt to stop losing money. It remains to be seen if these 'agents' are actually worth their money.
Falls Ihr wissen wolltet, welche Tech-Unternehmen jetzt auf DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) verzichten und entsprechende Programme und Teams aktiv abbauen, findet Ihr hier ein paar:
#Amazon, #Google, #Meta, #Microsoft, #OpenAI, #Tesla, #Workday, #Zoom
heise+ | Video-KI von OpenAI: Das solltet ihr wissen, bevor ihr Sora nutzt
Sora generiert fotorealistische Videos, auch von Menschen. Hier erfahrt ihr, worauf zu achten ist, bevor ihr eure Credits einsetzt.
‘Paddington in Peru’ Writers Reunite for AI Animated Feature ‘Critterz’ From Vertigo Films, Native Foreign (EXCLUSIVE)
#Variety #Global #News #OpenAI #PaddingtoninPeru #VertigoFilms
Reinforcement Learning Explained with Code | The AI Breakthrough Behind the 2024 Turing Award
Andrew G. Barto and Richard S. Sutton have just won the Turing Award for their groundbreaking work on Reinforcement Learning! In this video, I’ll break down the core concepts of reinforcement learning, walk you through a hands-on Python implementation using OpenAI Gymnasium, and share valuable resources to help you dive deeper.
Donnerstag: Microsoft ohne Kontrolle über OpenAI, Nintendo siegt über Filesharer
Wettbewerbsbehörde pro Microsoft + Filesharing-Urteil pro Nintendo + Vodafone pro Einsatzkräfte + Upgrade für MacBook Air + #heiseshow zu MWC, Skype und C&C
“Microsoft is the primary backer of OpenAI, whose CEO Sam Altman has long stoked nebulous fears about AI taking over the world. Critics often say Altman’s fear mongering is primarily intended to place himself at the centers of power…”
—Thomas Maxwell, Microsoft's Satya Nadella Pumps the Brakes on AI Hype
#microsoft #openai #altman #ai #aihype
Microsoft & OpenAI: Britische CMA beendet Untersuchung
Microsoft hat großen Einfluss bei OpenAI, aber keine De-Facto-Kontrolle. Die CMA unter neuer Leitung stellt ihre Untersuchung ein.