都会に出たらダイマックスライコウ1体捕まえる。 #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
都会に出たらダイマックスライコウ1体捕まえる。 #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
Massively on the Go: Niantic games under Scopely may not be so bad, actually
#POGO #PokemonGo
やったぜ!オス(おんなのこ) #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
ドーブルガチャ敗北。色違いも今日は無し。 #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
I'm quite disappointed that the "Purify 3" task has been removed from #PokemonGo. It was the easiest way to collect a bunch of Chansey XL candies.
Am I the only one deliberately *not* chasing Gigantamax and Primal Pokemon?
To me, it's just a scheme to get you to spend money and do lots of raids to keep up earning energy and candies. The Mega Pokemon are sufficient, IMO.
Hoy ha comenzado el Festival de los Colores en #PokemonGO:
Más información:
#SaudiArabia Buys #PokémonGo, and Probably All of Your Location Data
Además, algunas cosas que me gustan (así, sin orden ni concierto):
#DoctorWho, #GoodOmens, #StarTrek, #Firefly, #JurassicPark, #TheCranberries, #Nightwish, #MitologíaNórdica, #Loki (tanto el mitológico como el de #Marvel), #Miniaturas, #Artesanía (especialmente #Cosmética, #Cuero y #Resina), #numismática, #Impresión3D, #acuariofilia …
Juego a #PokemonGo. #PokemonGoFriends: 0131 3999 8371 (Marino).
インド人頼み、今年はダメだわ。 #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
Niantic To Sell Pokemon Go To Saudi-Owned Scopely For US$3.5 Billion #gaming #mobile #niantic #pokemongo #scopely
インドからのお呼ばれ、無し。 #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
Niantic’s sold Pokémon GO to Scopely for $3.5B! What’s next for your fave AR game? Get the scoop on the deal and its future.
#pokemongo #gaming #pokemon
ダイマックスライコウマックスバトルウィークエンドタイムチャレンジとカラーフェスティバルタイムチャレンジ終わり。色違い無し。 #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
Niantic Labs to sell its video game division, including Pokémon Go, to Saudi Arabia-owned Scopely for $3.5B, pending regulatory approval. #Niantic #PokémonGo #Scopely #GamingIndustry #MergersAndAcquisitions #GameDev #TechNews #SaudiInvestment #VideoGames
This has to be wrong. I've been collecting 0% Pokemon since 2019, when I stopped throwing them away, recognizing that they were actually rarer than 100% perfect:
100% = 459
0% = 27
Pokémon Go has a new owner, Scopely, which is a subsidiary of a Saudi Arabian company called Savvy Games, which is itself owned by the Saudi government. @404mediaco's @jasonkoebler wonders what that might mean for the location data of the game's 100 million players. [Story may be paywalled.]
Lo del #pokemongo comprado x una empresa publica árabe es ultrararuno.
Parece q con casi todo #niantic.
Lo del #paywall q venia haciendo #niantic ahora parece claro q era xa sacar un beneficio rapido y q se la pela todo (al punto q yo casi ni lo abro).
Y #nintendo q dice de todo esto?
lo dicho muy raruno todo.
Saudi-owned Scopely buys Pokémon Go in $3.5bn gaming deal
US-based Niantic is selling its games business as part of a pivot to artificial intelligence
Paywall Free: https://buff.ly/tmB31tV