Nice night out for some rtype
#chicago #RetroGaming
Nice night out for some rtype
#chicago #RetroGaming
TIL about the "Atari video game burial"
¡Duelo de clásicos retro! Adventure Island (NES) ️ vs. Wonder Boy (Sega Master System) . Descubre las similitudes y diferencias de estos icónicos juegos de plataformas. ¿Cuál es tu favorito? ¡Revive la nostalgia! ️
#retrogaming #videojuegosretro #NES #Nintendo #SegaMasterSystem #Sega #retrogames #classicgames #8bit #gamers #gaming #videogames"
Happy Friday my friends
Friend: "What are you doing on the weekend?"
Me: "Oh, this and that, you know, the usual. Working around the house, groceries shopping, testing 50 game cartridges..."
#RetroGaming #RetroComputing #Commodore #C64
Team Plasma is reaching the final stages of its master plan...
Let's Play #Pokemon Black (Blind) - Dragonspiral Tower - Part 22
#Nintendo #GameFreak #NintendoDS #RetroGaming
Do you like classic CRT monitors? Now you can simulate them on YouTube with this fantastic plugin and enjoy retrogaming longplays even more.
Power Play 4/1989
#Retrogaming #Retrogames
I really miss the days of old big box #PCgames. There was something magical about opening one of those oversized packages, manuals you could actually read, cool artwork, maybe even a map or a little trinket inside. Every time I see one of those classic boxes, and then look at today’s dull DVD cases (or worse, digital-only releases), I wish we could go back to the good old days of PC #games.
They weren’t just games, they were experiences right from the packaging.
Here is my second #flashbackfriday post, my review of the NES version of Ghosts 'n Goblins!
Here is today's first #flashbackfriday post, my review for the original Paper Mario!
Review for WCW vs nWo Revenge on Nintendo 64 from Total 64 No.21 Volume 2 Issue 9 - October 1998 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Preview for V-Rally '98 on Nintendo 64 from Total 64 No.21 Volume 2 Issue 9 - October 1998 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Preview for Starshot on Nintendo 64 from Total 64 No.21 Volume 2 Issue 9 - October 1998 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Preview for Castlevania 64 on Nintendo 64 from Total 64 No.21 Volume 2 Issue 9 - October 1998 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Many of you are asking us if system X or Y is supported by our configuration tool. To clear things up, here's the roadmap of consoles that will be supported in Homebrew Factory Creator tool.
Total 64 No.21 Volume 2 Issue 9 - October 1998 (UK) has been added to the magazine catalogue.
This issue can be downloaded here: