Nouvelle video. Premier React pour parler de la bande annonce du jeu "Silent Hill f" sorti il y a quelques heures.
Moins de 10mn mais ce qu'il faut pour vous donner nos premières impressions.
Nouvelle video. Premier React pour parler de la bande annonce du jeu "Silent Hill f" sorti il y a quelques heures.
Moins de 10mn mais ce qu'il faut pour vous donner nos premières impressions.
The more I read about Silent Hill F and re-watch the trailer, the more glad I am Konami went this route of changing the setting to 1960s Japan and including a disturbing and thematically heavy storyline.
Too early to call, of course, but I kind of feel a spark of hope for Konami's revival as a game studio here. And I definitely wanna play this thing.
Here is my Silent Hill Transmission March 2025 Impressions: https://youtu.be/Kr4uwV7IdTs #SilentHillTransmission #March2025 #Impressions #SilentHillf #Konami #VideoGames #PC #Review
Silent Hill f Shows Off How Friends Will Betray You Eventually https://aggrogamer.com/article/11895/Silent-Hill-f-Shows-Off-How-Friends-Will-Betray-You-Eventually #VideoGames #SilentHill #SilentHillf
Silent Hill f has been revealed, a new horror game featuring a Japanese teenage protagonist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-eMuy6UJ6U #SILENTHILLf #HorrorGames #survival #gaming #upcoming
Silent Hill f: trailer, requisiti PC, ambientazione e trama
#Ambientazione #Anni60 #GameNews #Gamer #Gaming #GamingIndustry #Giappone #Horror #Konami #Notizie #Novità #PC #PlayStation5 #PS5 #RequisitiDiSistema #SilentHill #SilentHillf #Steam #Trailer #VideoGame #Videogiochi #XboxSeriesS #XboxSeriesX
Silent Hill f , New trailer and system requirements #game #gaming #gamingpc #GamingCommunity #GameDay #videogames #ps5 #pcgamer #pcgames #XboxGamePass #Xbox #XboxSeriesS #SILENTHILLf #HorrorGaming #SurvivalHorror #PsychoHorror
Silent Hill f , New trailer and system requirements #game #gaming #gamingpc #GamingCommunity #GameDay #videogames #ps5 #pcgamer #pcgames #XboxGamePass #Xbox #XboxSeriesS #SILENTHILLf #HorrorGaming #SurvivalHorror #PsychoHorror
Konami presenta oficialmente Silent Hill f: https://www.dekazeta.net/konami-presenta-oficialmente-silent-hill-f/
SILENT HILL f has now been fully revealed with a new trailer https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/03/silent-hill-f-has-now-been-fully-revealed-with-a-new-trailer/
SILENT HILL f has now been fully revealed with a new trailer
SILENT HILL f has now been ful... [www.gamingonlinux.com]
During today’s Silent Hill Transmission, Konami officially revealed Silent Hill f, confirming earlier speculation surrounding a Silent Hill f announcement. We've got all the details at the link below!
Super creepy vibes are what you want out of a #SilentHill game. #SilentHillF’s trailer delivers.
This looks good, provided this is a mix of gameplay and cinematics. Guessing it’ll run at 4K30 on consoles, which is fine for this type of game.
Silent Hill f Resurfaces with a New Creepy Trailer
Fedialert! Tomorrow 13th will be a transmission focused on Silent Hill f !!
Silent Hill F will be presented on March 13th #game #gaming #gamingpc #GamingCommunity #GameDay #videogames #ps5 #pcgamer #pcgames #XboxGamePass #Xbox #XboxSeriesS
#SilentHillF #HorrorGaming #SurvivalHorror #PsychoHorror
Silent Hill F will be presented on March 13th #game #gaming #gamingpc #GamingCommunity #GameDay #videogames #ps5 #pcgamer #pcgames #XboxGamePass #Xbox #XboxSeriesS
#SilentHillF #HorrorGaming #SurvivalHorror #PsychoHorror
مشاريع Silent Hill الجديدة: كونامي تعد بعام مليء بالمفاجآت https://pixelarab.com/2025/01/03/%d9%85%d8%b4%d8%a7%d8%b1%d9%8a%d8%b9-silent-hill-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d9%83%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7%d9%85%d9%8a-%d8%aa%d8%b9%d8%af-%d8%a8%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%85-%d9%85%d9%84%d9%8a%d8%a1/ #GameRemake #GamingNews #HorrorGames #Konami #PixelArab #SilentHill #SilentHillF #SilentHillTownfall #أخبار_الألعاب #أخبار_الجيمينج #بيكسل_عرب
https://www.wacoca.com/media/258319/ SILENT HILL 2 | ローンチトレーラー 日本語音声版 (4K:JP/CERO) | KONAMI #2022AutumnDrama #2022秋ドラマ #Ascension #INTERVIEW #KONAMI #PlayStation #ReturnToSILENTHILL #SILENTHILL #SILENTHILL2 #SILENTHILLF #SILENTHILLTransmission #SILENTHILL:Ascension #silent(サイレント) #STEAM #TeaserTrailer