Proud to be the 285th backer

Proud to be the 285th backer
@rycuda - Yeah indeed. SP at its heart is about hope, thinking about a better future and working towards that better future.
That's it. Simple.
Extrapolated out, you get to "use technology towards a specific goal and within sustainable and ethical constraints to address the needs of humanity" and "social justice for all".
Attempting to address both of those and how is where we're at right now.
So many have looked towards already established means, methods, and systems to see what we can use as is or slightly tweaked and many look towards new systems (or upgrated and updated systems).
One thing that I love, is it specifically DOES NOT attempt to create a "one size fits all" sort of monoculture. In fact, the opposite - decentralized and tailored to different populations, cultures, and environments is really important and core.
Heck even in farming monoculture is decried whereas guerilla gardening, decentralized home gardening, and food forests / permaculture reign as the desired methodology instead of massive corporate single crops, etc.
A wide diversity in approach and practice is the way.
So with that you'll have many different, sometimes competing, approaches and it still fits under the umbrella of #solarpunk.
Need a hopeful story? 22 students at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, 4 years ago, set out to "really inspire people and the market and society to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable future. What we’re trying to do is to show people and show companies what’s already possible.”
So they made a #solarpunk campervan fully equipped with living essentials including a double bed, sofa, kitchen area and a bathroom with a shower, sink and toilet. It can fit two people, who can drive, cook breakfast and watch television using just the vehicle’s solar-charged battery.
Then they took it on a tour of Europe driving 1,200 miles without stopping for fuel or plugging in to charge. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/stella-vita-solar-campervan-netherlands-spc-intl/index.html
Is having solar panels #solarpunk on its own?
Is a community element a requirement? Does there have to be anticapitalist elements? Non exploitation/extractive?
The visual vibe is pretty strong and defined, there's colour, light, plants and life merged in with diverse communities, centered around common spaces.
I (personally) haven't seen as much work on defining the core ethos. (links to reading for me to do to correct that greatly appreciated)
Someone just gave me a heads-up about this site… Free heirloom seeds for starting your garden?
This seems like a really cool organization
Just going to hypothesize something here... for posterity and accountability to weird strategic thoughts I have when I try to channel this Musk creep. The tech-bro's have already taken over. That is why they are now sending the DOGE teams with armed escorts and guns to smash small offices of the government. Trump is the vindictive figurehead. It's the tech lords running the show, and they're going to do a deal with China to get rid of Putin.
I'm open to the possibility of something beyond shocking happening. There have already been rumors of revaluing the gold at Fort Knox, restructuring the debt, a national cryptocurrency...
What about, a merger / joint venture with China and the US becomes a total one-party state, USA Inc. They'll leave the illusion of elections, and the Dems will continue to be the useful idiots as they have been for a decade.
The game is no longer Dem vs. Rep. There will be no normal midterms. The struggle at the top is between the Christian Nationalists, the technofascist (Nation State) crowd, and the MAGA base that Bannon leads. Think of Bannon's people as the brown shirts they'll eventually use to silence dissent.
Imagine a chip-access deal or some sort of organized takeover of Taiwan (stripping the island of its sovereignty in Trump fashion) over a set period of time for USA, Inc. to be able to scale semiconductor fabs.
The culture war is a distraction. The rich are stealing the future.
0: "Do you have a grant writing person or a formal donation campaign?"
1: What would we use money for?
People pick up food and drop it off. They volunteer their time and gas/electricity/feet-movement and get some food out of it.
Do you... do you wanna pitch over a fiver for gas? That'd help! Or I just bought some bags to store some bread in from the bakery... I guess I could use 2 dollars to that end...
Wait... what are YOU using money for?
0: "Well.. we have to pay the guy who writes grants and organizes donation campaigns."
1: Huh...
Lol at talking to non-profits from a anarchist mutual aid standpoint.
0: "So... we're just not used to how you are doing things. It's very new and exciting! But I'm not sure if it's aligned with what we do."
1: "We're... we're doing the exact same thing.... and we're doing it in a normal way.... and an old way... what do you mean?"
0: "It's just... well... we're used to a top down non-profit approach where people write grant requests and get a lot of money and then... well I'm not sure what they do with the money... but you all are just, well, going out there and doing it. Without any money. Or formal organization."
1: "Yeah... alright... umm... So you wanna work together or not?"
0: "Frankly you scare us."
1: "Yeah, I get that a lot."
(Side note, we have a person who works in corporate consulting and can speak non-profit language really well... she has volunteered to have us shut up and only let her speak. We all think that's the best idea going forward."
Starting Permacomputing Club on the 7th of April and every following Monday 6:30 pm at SET Social, London!
Come join if you want to work on and discuss small tech and sustainability <3
Sign up + more info here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/permacomputing-club-tickets-1290371077629
#permacomputing #solarpunk #lowtech
Antes que nada desmentir que tenga ningun tipo de problema con los defines.
Como traductor veo que va regulinchi, ahora bien, te deja los toots mucho mas divertidos XD
Pongo la traducción completa:
Bueno, pues ya estamos instalados en nuestra nueva casa, #neopaquita
Ahora con la #presentacion demostraremos cómo van las traducciones
- Cuidador de un minihumano de 9 kg y de un perro de 55 kg.
- ¿Cómo podemos desarrollar y adaptar la tecnología en un mundo postcapitalista? #solarpunk #permacomputación #software libre a...
- Programador en la cooperativa Goiener, la soberanía energética es un mobida...
- Me gustan los #videojuegos pero no tengo tiempo
- Andar en lan #huerta también pero me pasa lo mismo
- En las fiestas del barrio montamos una radio
- Love #rss hate fascism
Not me wanting to pick up mobile app development so I can build my own Food Rescue app.
These apps have very basic functionality. I've looked at a couple now. From open source apps to multi-thousand dollar a year apps designed by "non-profits". I think I could make a better one.
Only issue would be backend server processing and space... it wouldn't be a lot. Just a database.
I could do this...
Hashtag: I haven't really thought this through
Ok! It's a solid app and it works.
It's open sourced with a fun anti-capitalist license: https://gitlab.com/food-rescue-alliance/tomato/-/blob/development/LICENSE
It allows admins / organizers to:
- create a Donor/Contributer profile
- create a Dropoff/Distributor profile
- create a food rescue pickup between a Contributor and a Distributor site at a specific time during the day for specific days.
It allows users / gleaners to:
- See all the available food rescue pickups
- Read notes on the pickup and dropoff locations
- See a map of both sites and the route between the two.
The app is a self-described MVP - Minimum Viable Product. It works but does not have a lot of features. It hasn't had an update in a couple of years, but it is actively used (there's not much to update unless someone discloses vulns or they add a new feature).
They're talking about raising money and hiring a software engineer, but this is definitely a good candidate for a hackathon or FOSS programming program.
Some things that I would like to see (if I or other could code it for them):
- Ability of users filter open food rescue pick-ups by distance from their home to the pickup location, or their home to the dropoff location
- Ability of users to filter for specific days of the week (right now they can see specific dates, but if they want to see all shifts for the next several Mondays - for example - they aren't able to filter it).
One problem that I haven't figured out, is if a user / volunteer / gleaner commits to a recurring shift, I can't see how they drop their commitment to that shift. I've emailed FRA to see if I'm missing something.
Long and short, it's lacking some features that I've seen in other food rescue coordination software, but these software apps don't have a lot of features or functionality to begin with. Also the other apps seem to be for profit (even if under the aegis of "non-profit") and often have a dedicated software engineer. This is a FOSS app made by a bunch of volunteers.
Long and short, it absolutely beats a manually maintained spreadsheet! And it's not far behind other apps that have a dedicated software team.
Thread 2/2
Bueno, ba gaude gure etxe berrian instalatuta, #neopaquita
aurkezpenarekin izultzailea nola doan frogatuko dugu orain
- 9kg-ko minihumano eta 55kg-ko txakur baten zaintzaile
- Nola garatu eta moldatu dezakegu teknologia mundu postkapitalista batean? #solarpunk #permakomputazioa #softwareLibre a...
- Programatzailea Goiener kooperatiban, burujabetza energetikoa mobida bat da...
- #bideojokoak gustoko ditut baina ez dut denborarik
- #baratza n aritzea ere baina berdina gertatzen zait
- Auzoko jaietan irrati bat montatzen dugu
- Love #rss hate fascism
Alright... let's test out this Food Rescue coordination software....
Rootable: https://rootable.org/
Source Code: https://gitlab.com/food-rescue-alliance/tomato
FRA: https://www.boulderfoodrescue.org/food-rescue-alliance/
I reached out to FRA and spoke with them about joining their alliance. They send me creds and a test server to check out their web app for coordinating food rescue. They have a second meeting with my entire group at our next in-person meeting.
So far, I love their ethos and their approach.
I'm going to go test the software and reply to this post on my thoughts.
Thread: 1/2
Dystopia is looming!
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@phillip @cR0w @TNLNYC - Hahaha, yeah, when I spun up this group I realized that ALL of my last collaborative interactions these past couple of decades have been with hackers.
Like... even my language is so steeped in 1337speak and jargon that normal folks didn't understand me.
I said something like "Oh, I'll spin up a server real quick" and they were like... Wat. What's a server? And what do you mean by "Spin up?"
And I was like... Spin up. You know... like... spin up spin up. Huh...
So yeah, if I want to build community and mutual aid movements, I have to design the solution around the people that use it, not force the people to use a weird ass (to them) solution.
Look at this gorgeous print cover spread!
#solarpunk stories from Renan Bernardo, @sarenaulibarri @tkrex Danielle Arostegui @BrightFlame @ana
Releases Earth Day (April 22)
Pre-orders live for the #solarpunk anthology I edited, releasing Earth Day (April 22)!
These hopeful #climatefiction stories each imagine a way for us to survive the future, together.
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