CPU usage keeps shooting up to 100% and making the audio all crunchy when i'm trying to make music in #ableton on windows
is my laptop just too dogshit to make music on? heartbreaking if true
CPU usage keeps shooting up to 100% and making the audio all crunchy when i'm trying to make music in #ableton on windows
is my laptop just too dogshit to make music on? heartbreaking if true
Ableton Live 12.2 now in public beta https://rekkerd.org/ableton-live-12-2-now-in-public-beta/
It’s #BandcampFriday!
My new #bonkwave and #notBonkwave albums are available
Cyan is quiet and mostly calm. Indigo is loud and mostly mad.
Please listen and boost if you liked it! Feel free to PAY £0 to download to your device!
Thanks in advance
Tilr RipplerX (Physical Modeling Synth) v1.1.3 vsti3 au lv2 Windows macOS Linux [FREE] Update
No direction
Tonight's experiment... sort of dungeon synth-y 90s electronica idea. Using some @fullbucket and Dexed instances in Ableton.
#music #synthesizer #ableton #electronicmusic #electronica #experimental
My Friend @BorrisInABox started #Movuary, a challenge to create a musical piece with the #Ableton #Move groovebox every day in february. So, here goes day 1. My groove, Sandbank rythm. Something I created entirely while sitting in a lounge chair on a beach in Maldives. I initially wanted to record waves with the Move's built in microphone, but a nearby power generator created a hum, which, when sped up, made a perfect melodic pad. SO, here's a bit of a tropical vibe for your saturday.
En quête de justice sociale et de bulles d'espoir dans un environnement qui surchauffe sur tous les plans.
J'aime les rythmes qui font cogiter et les mélodies qui transportent.
De Meshuggah à Vulpfeck, en passant par Beach House et Hania Rani.
Avide d'apprendre comment les choses fonctionnent - et comment les gens composent avec l'existence et trouvent leur joie (ouais ça trahit clairement mon trouble anxieux).
#jazz #metal #ableton #music
this is the first release that contains a build of `tek_arranger` (the actual multitrack sequencer that imitates #ableton in the #terminal)
so many more tiny things to do before i can say this is anywhere near finished - but i made good progress today. it sure as hell chases away my depression!
If you've been looking for that next semi-cheap music-making fix and perhaps a Christmas present to yourself, but haven't decided what to get, consider Ableton Move.
If you look at the official videos, literature and documentation, you'd be fooled into thinking that it's not actually accessible. This is incorrect.
It runs a web-server for helping you manage samples,recordings and sets, but it also has an undocumented screen-reader which I demonstrate in this video.
Next to Komplete Kontrol, I can say that this has been the most innovative, fun and game-changing piece of hardware I've owned and I thoroughly enjoy working with it.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview) https://youtu.be/p8IbinbOhY4
Excerpt from Peter Kirn's blog about Move:
‘How do I access Move with a screen reader?
Andre Louis has a walkthrough for you, as pointed out here in comments! And as always, it’s terrific. This is honestly worth a watch for sighted users, too, to understand how these interactions work – and it’s required viewing if you work in instrument design.’
#Ableton #AbletonMove #Accessibility #ScreenReader #A11y #Blind
If you are into:
music production | game music and audio | soundtracks | mixing | mastering | synthesizers | sample libraries | DAWs | audio plug-ins | making music
check out what I do on my Patreon, at:
I am running a end-of-year sale on all annual subscriptions, you can register now and get:
#cybermonday #blackfriday #discount
Use the #code
to have a 95% #discount on any purchase.
#everything and #anything
All the discography for 0.92EUR.
Happy #friday
#bandcamp #codes #music #Mastodon #indiemusic #experimental #electronica #beat #atmospheric #modernclassical #ableton #synth #live #bandcampfriday #musicstreaming #AlternativeMusic #ElectronicMusic #Synthpop #fedimusic #creativetoots #music #FridayVibes #trending #trends
Edit: I appreciate all the fast responses! Pretty sure we've found something that works for him now.
Gonna consult the federation here for this one
My friend is looking to replace his old laptop for something newer for audio production in Albeton Live 12. I am so rusty on laptop CPUs and such that I have no idea what is worth it these days.
I'll work around with models and such, but what laptop CPUs work best for Albeton now? Is it optimized for faster cores or multi-cores currently? Are there Intel or AMD chips to avoid?
(Let's assume Windows PC for now. Mac is probably better with the M4 chip but he ain't got that kind of cash for one)
If you've been looking for that next semi-cheap music-making fix but haven't decided what to get, consider Ableton Move.
If you look at the official videos, literature and documentation, you'd be fooled into thinking that it's not actually accessible. This is incorrect.
It runs a web-server for helping you manage samples,recordings and sets, but it also has an undocumented screen-reader which I demonstrate in this video.
Next to Komplete Kontrol, I can say that this has been the most innovative, fun and game-changing piece of hardware I've owned and I thoroughly enjoy working with it.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview) https://youtu.be/p8IbinbOhY4
Excerpt from Peter Kirn's blog about Move:
‘How do I access Move with a screen reader?
Andre Louis has a walkthrough for you, as pointed out here in comments! And as always, it’s terrific. This is honestly worth a watch for sighted users, too, to understand how these interactions work – and it’s required viewing if you work in instrument design.’
#Ableton #AbletonMove #Accessibility
#ScreenReader #A11y #Blind
I'll be presenting with Adi Dickens from #Ableton at #ADC in #Bristol on Monday Nov 11, should anyone else be going. Decided to stay Sunday and Monday night just in case something interesting happens, so if people want to see Move in-person, look me up.
Ever find that sitting in front of your unnecessarily complex music rig is hard sometimes? Creative block hits and there's nothing you can do about it?
I certainly find that lately, more often than not.
One device has come into my life and changed a lot of that however. Ableton Move.
In this world-first video, I take you through making a beat without sight, just using the undocumented screen-reader function within the web-based Move Manager.
It's incredibly freeing to be able to just load a fresh set, be presented with four random sounds and perhaps one of them will inspire you so you just begin doing a thing that you had absolutely no plan to do before you started.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview) https://youtu.be/p8IbinbOhY4
#Accessibility #Ableton #ScreenReader #Blind #Music #Composition
The last time I made a video about #Ableton, it was to do with Note, their iOS music-making app.
This video is an Ableton-first, in which I bring you their newest piece of hardware, #AbletonMove.
It ships with a web-based screen-reader and I've been enjoying it for many months.
It uses sounds from Note, but in a hardware form.
32 poly-aftertouch pads, four tracks of midi (or samples,) 8 knobs, USB-C for power and controlling Ableton Live and a USB-A port for connecting class-compliant midi devices, should you wish to trigger it from a keyboard.
Please be advised that screen-reader support is currently an experimental feature and is not fully fleshed out.
Not all aspects of the experience are as desired and there are a few kinks, but it is very much better than nothing whatsoever, and I am extremely thankful to the team that made this possible.
Ableton themselves are not talking about this screen-reader function in any of their literature, but I think it's important enough that it deserves recognition, and to bring an accessible groove-box to blind people in this way.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview) https://youtu.be/p8IbinbOhY4
#Accessibility #ScreenReader
The last time I made a video about #Ableton, it was to do with Note, their iOS music-making app.
today in an Ableton-first, I bring you their newest piece of hardware, #AbletonMove.
It ships with a web-based screen-reader and I've been enjoying it for many months.
It uses sounds from Note, but in a hardware form.
32 poly-aftertouch pads, four tracks of midi or samples, 8 knobs, USB-C for power and controlling Ableton Live and a USB-A port for connecting class-compliant midi devices, should you wish to trigger it from a keyboard.
Please be advised that screen-reader support is currently an experimental feature and is not fully fleshed out.
Not all aspects of the experience are as desired and there are a few kinks, but it is very much better than nothing whatsoever, and I am extremely thankful to the team that made this possible.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview) https://youtu.be/p8IbinbOhY4
#MusiciansDay saying Hi, good to see all these posts and links to independent musicians and producers.
Currently working on #improvisation projects which I hope to release soon.
A big fan of apps on #iOS and #ableton user.
Hope you like what you find on this playlist
I used to keep up with all the major accessible music technology for blind musicians, but now it feels harder to stay updated. The #MusicTech industry still has a long way to go, but there's been a great progress—so much more is accessible now compared to just 10 years ago! #Reaper, #Logic, #ProTools, #Samplitude, #Sibelius, #Musescore, #KompleteKontrol, #Ableton Live, #Juce, #Izotope, #Arturia, #Softtube, #Audient, #Focusrite, #Zoom, #SurgeSynth, #UVI, Sao Mai Braille... What else am I missing?