'Alan Slattery, 67, took it upon himself to rob the Nationwide Building Society in Eastbourne, England, but the handwriting in his demand note was so bad that staff there could not decipher it and he left empty-handed.'
'Alan Slattery, 67, took it upon himself to rob the Nationwide Building Society in Eastbourne, England, but the handwriting in his demand note was so bad that staff there could not decipher it and he left empty-handed.'
#DailyHandwriting 9, What would you take for lunch in the park?
I snuck in the following more obscure words:
- Epicure: one with sensitive and discriminating tastes.
- Halcyon: Idyllic time.
- Harbinger: something that foreshadows a future event.
#dailyhandwriting 5, Drill for consistency: Write each capital letter of the alphabet 5 times.
I always thought quills and dip pens would be tedious to use, but in general, I can write a sentence without having to dip in between.
#dailyhandwriting 4 How do you feel about spring?
Petrichor's call
Cycle turns with vernal flux,
in zephyr's tune, the sparrows tryst,
Beneath the sky of equinox,
life's woken kiss, in dewy mist.
Petrichor's call, soft and fragrant,
from dormant clay to verdant gest,
from solstice cold, stark and vacant,
to Ostara's warmth on Gaia's breast.
Perennial dance in vibrant glee,
the reaffirm of life's decree,
Nature's lesson, simply free,
to seize and savour existence, be.
I've always failed to keep up a daily journaling habit, but with the #hobonichi Cousin I finally manage to write every day, diary style. The dated one page per day really motivates me to fill it up. I look forward to journaling now, and even if very little happens during my day I find interesting things to write about. Thoughts I had, feelings to process....it's all really helpful <3
#DailyHandwriting Mar 1: Introduce yourself
Daily handwriting prompts for March. If you would like to join, please tag your post with #DailyHandwriting
Prompts will be listed in comments as the alt text doesn’t have enough room. #FountainPens #Writing #Handwriting #DailyPrompt
Some criminal #handwriting here - what on earth is the profession? She's transcribed as Kelly, but I think it's Reilly…
Niche poll, please boost for reach and add comments for options not included in the poll:
Which writing implement makes your own #handwriting look best?
Edited to emphasise: HANDWRITING. I thought this was unambiguous.
Too snowy to go out? Want something to do next weekend? Spaces still available in my local calligraphy guild's workshop!
The Unconventional Pointed Pen with Suzie Beringer
Zoom, January 11–12, 9:00–4:00 PST $70 members/$100 non-members
Register, more info, questions: https://www.portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org/events/#!event/2025/1/11/the-unconventional-pointed-pen-with-suzie-beringer [www.portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org]
Our guild is local, but our members are global! Share at will!
Did you get pens and ink for Christmas? Resolving to try something creative in 2025? Come join my local calligraphy guild's workshop in January!
The Unconventional Pointed Pen with Suzie Beringer
Zoom, January 11–12, 9:00–4:00 PST $70 members/$100 non-members
Register, more info, questions: https://www.portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org/events/#!event/2025/1/11/the-unconventional-pointed-pen-with-suzie-beringer [www.portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org]
Our guild is local, but our members are global! Share at will!
Need a last-minute gift for the calligraphy-curious in your life? Want a calligraphic start to your new year?
Registration is open for the Portland Society for Calligraphy's first 2025 workshop! Explore delicate Roman letterforms in Suzie Beringer's The Unconventional Pointed Pen.
Zoom, January 11–12, 9:00–4:00 PST, $70 members/$100 non-members
Register, more info, questions at: https://www.portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org/events/#!event/2025/1/11/the-unconventional-pointed-pen-with-suzie-beringer [www.portlandsocietyforcalligraphy.org]
Please consider supporting @Endangeredalphabets Kickstarter book on the art of writing and endangered writing systems! It is so close to its goal, and it is such a worthy project.
A big hand for Harald Scheidl for making his repositories about handwritten text recognition public.
Want to help as a developer..?
#FPQuestion of the day:
Do you write more often since you began using fountain pens? What is your response for people who say they don’t need a nice pen because they hardly write anything anymore?
#FountainPens #handwriting