Misty<p><span>I bring to you, my quest for Naritaya's Furry Land.<br><br>It all started when Tori showed me </span><a href="https://bsky.app/profile/pc98bot.gang-fight.com/post/3knqb3idmnc22" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span>this post</span></a><span>:<br><br>That sure is a PC-98 game that says "furries ga suki". I </span><i><span>had</span></i><span> to know what this was all about. Why does a PC-98 eroge have the word "furries", in English? Why did it devote a whole room to the idea of loving furries? I needed answers!<br><br>Like it says in the post, it's from the (in)famous Alicesoft eroge Rance 4.1, but searching for it didn't give me much in the way of results. The text in the screenshot is first-person, out of character text so it read like some kind of a dev room, but even searching for that didn't bring up much - until I found the script itself. And there it is, Naritaya's heroic pro-furry screed:</span></p><blockquote><span>Nice to meet you. I'm Naritaya.<br>I'm a newbie CG artist who was in charge of<br>the title CG and a few other things this time.This will be my debut work.<br>Anyway, my goal from now on is to steadily<br>increase the number of furry lovers like me<br>and create a game that could be called<br>definitive for that genre (hah).Everyone who loves dog- and catgirls, or things<br>like elves and devil girls (though the nuance is<br>a little different), basically "non-human girls,"<br>stand up now! Alice has its tradition of gal<br>monsters, so this shouldn't be just a dream!はぢめまして。成田屋と申します。<br>今回タイトルCG+αを担当しました新人<br>のCG描きです。これがデビューの仕事とな<br>ります。以後,よろしくお見知りおきを。とりあえず今後の目標としては,私と同じ<br>Furries愛好家を地道に増やしてその<br>手の決定版ともいえるソフトの発売までこぎ<br>着けたい,と思ってます(笑)。犬猫その他のどーぶつ娘,(ちょっとニュ<br>アンスが違うけど)エルフや悪魔っ娘等のい<br>わゆる「人間以外の女の子キャラ」の愛好家<br>の方,今こそ立ち上がりましょう!アリスに<br>は女の子モンスターの伝統もありますから,<br>決して夢ではない筈です!</span></blockquote><span>So not only is our friend Naritaya a furry fan, he specifically uses the </span><i><span>English</span></i><span> word "furries" in romaji more than once while expressing his love for furries. This is a Japanese artist who knows and loves the English furry scene. (Keep in mind, this is 1995!) This is where Aura found copies of some of Naritaya's personal art, with the URL still in the watermark, which is what brought us to:<br><br></span><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20010407011909/http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/~naritaya/index2.html" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://web.archive.org/web/20010407011909/http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/~naritaya/index2.html</a><span><br><br>NARITAYA'S FURRIES LAND<br><br>That's right, Naritaya had his own website in the 90s where he posted the anime furries of his dreams, filled with exactly all the kinds of anime art you might remember from the years 1995-2003.<br><br>His art style is </span><i><span>distinctively</span></i><span> 90s/early 00s anime, but there's that heavy use of "furries" in English again. I could only imagine the kinds of connections he must have had with the English-speaking scene, and then I found it tucked among his outgoing links page:<br><br></span><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20010417235407/http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/~naritaya/link/a-m_link.htm" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://web.archive.org/web/20010417235407/http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/~naritaya/link/a-m_link.htm</a><span><br><br>Yes, that's a link to the "Anime Transformation Archive". I lack the subject matter expertise to fully detangle that site's connections to the broader anime/furry scene but it's pretty clear that, yes, there was some western anime-furry fandom connection happening here. Didn't always see much of that back before social media brought us together across languages.<br><br>I'm not sure what he's up to now, but wherever you are Naritaya - hope you're still living the anime furries dream.</span><p></p>