Title: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition
Released: 1992-03-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System
Also released on: Wii, Genesis
#StreetFighterII:ChampionEdition #SEGAMasterSystem #Retrogames
Title: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition
Released: 1992-03-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System
Also released on: Wii, Genesis
#StreetFighterII:ChampionEdition #SEGAMasterSystem #Retrogames
New #introduction!
Hi, I am Stu. I am 24 years old, #blind, #neurodivergent, and live in the Northeast of #England. My online handle is SeedyThreeSixty, and my personal brand is Seediffusion, a mix of Seedy and Rediffusion.
Note: Stu is not my given name, it is a name I've chosen for myself as a replacement for my unwanted given name, which I never gave out online.
I love to play video games, especially retro games from the 90s and 2000s; my favourite genre is fighting games, especially #StreetFighterII! I basically love anything from the 2000s; it's my favourite decade.
I like many different types of music, including heavy metal, EDM, Hip-hop, eurobeat and house.
I am an all round nerd who loves technology, maths, science, and virtually all other things that geeks and dweebs love.
My signature catch phrase is sweet puberty!
See profile for links to my stuff. :)
Title: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition
Released: 1992-03-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System
Also released on: Wii, Genesis
#StreetFighterII:ChampionEdition #SEGAMasterSystem #Retrogames
Title: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition
Released: 1992-03-01
Platforms: SEGA Master System
Also released on: Wii, Genesis
#StreetFighterII:ChampionEdition #SEGAMasterSystem #Retrogames
Title: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1991)
Released: 1991-07-14
Platforms: Game Boy
Also released on: PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Wii, SNES, Commodore / Amiga, Atari ST, Genesis, 3DO
#StreetFighterII:TheWorldWarrior(1991) #GameBoy #Retrogames
New episode! Did you know Street Fighter has 80 different comic books? Did you also know that it all started with Malibu's Street Fighter series in 1994, which is one of the worst things you'll ever read?
Listen anywhere but Spotify, or just go here: https://tencenttakes.podbean.com/e/issue-93-street-fighter/
¿Cuántas veces habremos destrozado este coche? #StreetFighterII #retrogaming
Here’s Where To Buy Retro Arcade1Up Cabinets To Re-Live Your Childhood Online
#Variety #News #StreetFighterII #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #TheSimpsons #XMen
They say my password now needs to contain at least one special character.
I chose Akuma from Street Fighter, but they said it still wasn't right.
Guess I'll figure it out later.