So I came across my first shiny Cyndaquil ever. For ages I’ve been trying to find one on Legends Arceus and Pokémon GO with no luck. Then I learned I could go for one on #IndigoDisk.
For many different tries of running down the sandwich time, I just NOW ran into one!! I use False Swipe, bringing its HP all the way down to 1. It immediately follows up with Double-Edge and kills itself.
I am devastated…
Well now. #ThatHappened.
I was able to successfully use Disco Bird as support to bring down 7
@johto The revelation that NOJ thought toys would take away from game sales. Wow.
#thathappened #shinypokemon #pokemonscarletviolet #RNGesus #PokemonCommunity #pokemon
I know I said I’d give #Reddit a monthlong break before reassessing, but today, only after being gone for 11 days, I broke my promise and went back on early.
And I nuked my account.
Alas, my 6 year account is no more. It would have never worked between us, darling.