A spring-like warm day! Visited a chippy friend in the Fells forest.
A spring-like warm day! Visited a chippy friend in the Fells forest.
Desert Bighorn Sheep, Zion National Park. December, 2019.
Ariel Bobcat, who is doing very well for a 15-year-old, shows no signs of arthritis but has considerable muscle atrophy. She weighs 18.4 lbs, which is a good weight for her, although she has lost a little since her last exam, which is normal for her age.
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Scarlet and Blossom
Spring is almost here—just four days away! This image, taken last spring, showcases a northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) and a crepe myrtle flower, both vying to bring a splash of brightness to the day.
Explore stunning images of cardinals and other vibrant members of the Cardinalidae family by visiting my photo gallery here:
https://swede1952-photographs.pixels.com [swede1952-photographs.pixels.com]
Mountain Blue
Find your bluebird of happiness each day.
Photographed in Yellowstone National Park.
Beach combing
The Missing Lynx Project: The free, family-friendly exhibition is touring Northumberland, the edge of Cumbria and the border of southern Scotland. Using interactive displays, the exhibition brings the lynx to life.
#SolarPunkSunday #BioDiversity #WildLife #ReWilding #UK
A Blackbird is nesting in my lemon tree!
#NatureFriendlyFarming #Farming #Petition #UK #Nature #RSPB #Birds #WildLife #BioDiversity #SolarPunkSunday
Hoy el Gorrión Común (Passer domesticus)
16 Mar 2024
La Janda, Cádiz, España
#Environmentalism #Wildlife #EndangeredSpecies #Donations Democratic Conservation Alliance PAC — Donate via ActBlue
If these areas are truly “protected,” why are #IndustrialFleets allowed to plunder them? It’s time to ban supertrawlers from MPAs and hold governments accountable.