My name Voltaire. Am #flaaffy. Am recently evolve and still learn to type with forehooves. Forehooves like hands now? Apologize cannot grammar well: human-word not like pokemon-think, so translate hard. Will get better! Still, am like type-words, better than bleating, baa baa. Have computer and human internet, want try share thoughts with humans.
Hello humans!
This my #introduction. Am partner of human named Himiko. She is from #VanadielTown, work for #ProfessorYew on #PokemonResearch, cataloguing #WildPokemon in wilderness near #LilacTown. Use computer for analysis and send to lab, where there database.
Live in big cave base camp on mountain ridge, old camp from last team, rebuilt when got here 2 months ago. Electricity from solar and me, internet from satellite, water from pump or just go to pond. Very nice living-place, wilderness nice, but miss grass field where grew up under power lines: liked buzz buzz!
Will post more thought-word later. Feel free ask-me-anything! (#AMA?)
Will write tell about Himiko now.
Himiko is #PokemonResearcher from #VanadielTown. She very nice, very like pokemon, much curious: ask many questions. Am like answer questions! Baa!
Himiko have 1 badge: #WeedBadge. Us close with #GymLeaderDandy because train at gym.
Himiko work for #ProfessorYew, gather scans of many pokemons in deep wild for #PokemonBiology research database. Database full info of many individual pokemon unique biology. When pokemon register to trainer, scans done in pokeball uploaded to #PokemonLeague Database, so know all about trainered pokemon. #WildPokemon never register to trainer, so unique biology not known. Is different? Is same? Not all pokemon want trainer. (I never seek trainer, was injured when meet Himiko)
Live away from humans to see pokemon humans never seen, scan for database.
Am help Himiko by run electric, take walk with and see things, and protec from wild pokemon.
Am also learning to wire base more things.
Out of chars, baa!
Will tell about pokemon friends now.
Kanani is #espurr. Himiko meet in woods after find me, teach her use telekinesis. Kanani telepath, tell Himiko what am saying when Himiko not understand bleat.
Am learning faster write-words on paper so can do translate too.
Shadow is #treecko Himiko find in woods. Shadow very fast, very like fight, good at battle, try very hard. Was bred and raised for starter, but trainer abandon, doesn't like talk about so I not know more.
#Humans not always good for pokemon like Himiko.
Zal is #noibat who attacked Himiko in woods, but Himiko defeat in battle and capture in ball for being mean. Himiko offer Zal let join team, so Zal stay for train: very aggressive, very like fight. Himiko say Zal colors rare caused by hormones: Zal is green, and internet says normal colors is purple.
Kanani and I am think Zal stupid, and can say here because Zal 100% illiterate, bababa!
Dante is #monferno, Himiko know for long time as #chimchar since child. Dante grew up in #VanadielTown lab, know sign language from experiment with #ProfessorYew, so good for translate. Himiko take Dante as first pokemon, very close.
Kanani says they cute couple, am not seeing it.
Will write-tell more about self now.
Grew up in #mareep flock, live in field with power lines run to #VanadielTown. Poor memory of time, much blend together days eating grass. Grass was good though.
Not remember details, but humans come watch us, do scans, scanners tickle electric senses... Think #PokemonResearch group. Flock used as control group? Scanninf was training exercises? Unknow.
Not remember all of learn how read and math: found books, saw writing, understood was mean ideas, figure much out self. Not remember whole process though, might have had help.
Himiko say math universal, can be deduced by logic, so possible just figured out. Maybe what did? Was very bored. Himiko say possible to decipher writing from known language, if hints, so possible knew human-word and figured out writing. Doubt, but not sure how else learn. Himiko says am very smart, so maybe could figure out: had much think-time.
Not get along best with other mareep: had much thoughts not normal for mareep, not reason learn, not way communicate, not value in flock. Flock eat grass not think much.
Was not well liked by flock, started keep to self. More interested nearby power-station anyway: many machine, big electric, much buzz buzz. Wanted learn how electric traveled along wires. Electrical workers friendly when visit, but was not know how ask teach wires-know.
Could feel electric, knew where go, hypotheses on how could work. Not had friend talk to about wires, but nothing better to do.
Found old manual in area, so could learn more. Hard turn page with hooves, diagrams complicated, barely knew read at time. Still liked learn, find new explain, was good.
Was much more difficult time back then, did not know any other living though, so was happy.
Was wander near road one day...
Road interesting: human move-machines go fast, use electricity make magnets spin, make wheel turn go fast, push machine... Fun!
Eat grass when problem. Nearby #beedrill act strange, act confuse. Hard talk to bug pokemon because not think same, not sure how think even, but beedrill very hard: only want gather or stab, single focus, no communicate.
Was minding own business when beedrill sting, not sure why. Whole group swarm and try sting more. Was poisoned! Very scary!
Fire-type shows up, start set beedrill on fire, lead them away. Human trainer offer get in ball take to pokemon center, so got in ball. Inside ball very small, still surprise can fit, even though know how pokeball works now: turn into energy without physical, like when evolve.
Fire-type was Dante, trainer was Himiko. Heal at pokemon center, stay with Himiko because she researcher so found interesting, still enjoy because learn much. Have internet now, much read, good learn!
Am write more memory after meet Himiko...
As said, am first meet Himiko on side of road, get into pokeball and fainted. Wake up in ball with good feel healing.
Pokeball device work by convert maju (pokemon) to base energy and stable contain smallest space. Healing device work by feed energy to base energy and restore what lost from damage and purge impurity from form like poison or injury: can heal almost anything.
Was let out of ball, was in pokemon center, Himiko pet. Was new, but was nice. Had to keep neutral charge for not shock though: humans weak to electric type.
Dante wander off for snack while nap, not back when got up. Himiko worry and go look.
Met representative from #TeamCrown in Pokemon Center. Won't say name, but got very bad vibe, very concern man do bad things.
Had Dante trapped in lab room, Himiko angry, threaten with phone(?). Was not sure what go on at time: not know all human words, figure out with emotion or context.
Dislike Team Crown: ungood for pokemon.
Clarify: Team Crown researcher not show empathy, not seem connect emotionally. Like hollow inside, living zombie, not person. Wanted fight or flee, but contained self: instinct not always good for follow.
Still, man was not good. Very polite and nice, but bad. See why not have pokemon of own: maju not follow humans if lack virtue.
Am told I should clarify #TeamCrown is respected and legitimate #PokemonResearch organization.
Am not slander fellow #PokemonLeague members, only raise concern of goals and methods. Control of maju less important than understand: have mutual goals of peace and live in harmony, can do together.
Team Crown is legitimate researchers, just perspective misguided.