My #introduction #introductions #intro!
I'm Cara. My current obsession is the #PokemonTCG, which I'm getting back into competitively (though I've been a lifelong #pokemon geek since playing my brothers' Red & Blue games as a tyke).
My other fixed interests are #linguistics, #astrophysics, and #reading #books (mostly #SciFi & #horror).
Hobbies that come and go: #VideoGames, #pathfinder2e #ttrpg, #tennis, #baseball, #clarinet. Current fav (non-pokemon) show: #izombie.
I'm diagnosed with #SocialPragmaticCommunicationDisorder, though 10 years of research questions whether it's really distinct from high-masking #autism #autistic, so...idk. The universe is chaos and diagnoses are constructs? #neurodivergent
#ChronicPain and at least one #ChronicIllness. We're managing.
I currently work at a #library #librarian and love it, with aspirations to be a #writer (while reminding myself that the commodification of passions as pursuit of happiness is a capitalist lie)
@everywingull Hey welcome Cara, hows your attempt at competitive pokemon tcg going? What decks are you playing with at the moment?
@tetroe hi Jay! NAIC was my first official event, and I brought Ting-Lu. I knew it wasn't the meta call (especially with a plurality of Gardevoir being widely expected), but I just needed to get used to tournament logistics and it was a fun deck that I knew well.
I went 4-5, which was about what I was hoping: won a few matches, got over that first tournament anxiety, and now I have a tangible goal in getting into day 2.
@everywingull that is actually a pretty solid placing, especially for your first major tournament. I wouldnt get dishearted by that. I tell my mates that consistently being in the top 50% of your tournaments is a pretty good thing to aim for at the start :)