These two past Mareanie events in #PokémonGO were altogether a total disappointment. Not only did I never find a shiny Mareanie, but I didn’t find a single shiny anything.
So while I’d love to be excited to go #ShinyHunting for Emolga soon (really awesome shiny!), these two past Mareanie events have taught me not to hold my breath.
#ThanksNiantic for killing my groove.
@Hyphlosion "Coming soon - our new Shiny Charm subscription service! For only $2.99 per month you can get boosted shiny rates. No time to look for those shinies? No problem! For only $19.99 you can purchase a shundo in the in-game shop. Or buy through our online shop and we'll include 10 potions as a bonus!"
After the last community day and only finding 2 shinies I'm feeling kinda over it. I checked about 4 mareanies and went back to playing Zelda.