Back in 2022 I made my first #12SymbolicCharacters inking. It was the Queen of Hearts from Carroll’s „Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”
Prints of it are still available here btw:
Back in 2022 I made my first #12SymbolicCharacters inking. It was the Queen of Hearts from Carroll’s „Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”
Prints of it are still available here btw:
I know I probably said something like this twice already but I think I’m on to something with the rough sketch for the next #12SymbolicCharacters inking. Time will show.
How was my 2023 art-wise:
- Continued #12SymbolicCharacters
- Wrote „Bolko” and made my first ebook
- Started #TheFisher #TheFisherProject and made a Calendar from it
- Illustrated 12 #DelphicMaxims
- Painted 3 portraits + myself
See you in 2024!
The uncomfortable truth is that I’m stuck with #12SymbolicCharacters. To move with works on the next illustration to finished sketch stage is probably going to be my first objective of 2024.
Today I experimented with colors for #CheshireCat, latest and still not finished illustration for #12SymbolicCharacters series.
My series of #12SymbolicCharacters is growing. #TheGroke has finaly joined others in my gallery:
Now would you be interested in high quality #prints of one of these (or coming Cheshire Cat or White Snow) made by a professional printer?
I could offer you such prints in my little store if I get three hard declarations before printing (I already have one!). They'd cost about 65EUR/71USD. Let me know!
And more #throwbackThursday
First piece I did for #12SymbolicCharacters, two #prints I made are still available at old price. I may or may not decide I'm not going to print rest of the 10 prints so it may get bit more expensive.
I've put the Smaug inking preview on Youtube https://youtu.be/1q-VGkxxY_s
Sadly the PeerTube account I've had is no more. The whole instance seem not working for a long time.
Another #12SymbolicCharacters inking process has begun.
I'm gonna frame the whole inking with these tiny characters :D