With this year's #Blaugust coming to an end, I wanted to share my thoughts on the event, the lessons I learned and my two cents on some "growing pains" of the event.
Blaugust 2024 is in the bag!
It's always a struggle to make it to the finish line, but I also always have fun.
I spent the morning counting blog posts, and while my eyes are deeply crossing at this point... I created the traditional #Blaugust in Review post.
Where I outline the event, give some statistics, and hand out the rewards.
Blaugust 2024 In Review
Wrapping up #blaugust2024 and looking forward to #September and everything it will bring! Happy #Sunday everyone!
#blog #videogames #writing #blaugust
My California
If you live on the Central Coast, you already know.
Going to California
I took a chance on a big jet plane, don’t let anyone tell you that they’re all the same.
#blaugust #blaugust2024 #blogging #inspiration
There was a Nintendo Direct recently that I’ve failed to watch. It’s the second in a row, but I usually get the news the day after. I was on Facebook and saw a post about something-something, Trails in the Sky remake, very short trailer. I couldn’t believe it. I googled it and found an IGN article. Not entirely sure, I went to my source and newfound home, the fediverse, and they confirmed it and sent me the trailer. I’ve been on forums and other groups and it was a constant discussion between Trails fans, about when the game would be ported to consoles, since the license is owned by another company.
So there really is going to be a remake, not only a port, and as the vibrant colors can attest, it will be gorgeous and most likely easier to navigate on the menus and environment. However, it wasn’t only that. The game will be 3D and I was extremely happy for reasons I wrote about previously [swordofseiros.wordpress.com]. When I asked the Falcom gods for a remake, I wasn’t really thinking about changing the perspective altogether, instead making volumes, patterns, textures and colors a bit easier to read. A better map, camera movements and overall readability of the interface. In my text I wrote that my experience with the game was plagued by nasty physical symptoms. The first time I played the game and panned the camera I got nausea with the only result being a more visceral reaction that didn’t seem to go away. I just wanted to see the story between Estelle and Joshua but I couldn’t bring myself to endure any more of it. With Trails of Cold Steel I experienced the opposite and found the game easier to read overall. Also I could navigate better in 3D. My reaction to Trails in the Sky is something I’m not proud of even though I couldn’t control it.
I asked my wife if she remembered the game that made me sick and showed her the video of the remake. “See? Now we can play from Estelle’s perspective.” I said. I then showed her how the game looked before. She pointed to one of the screenshots from a Google search of the original. “Ah, but that… that is something I’m familiar with! I like that.” I asked if she prefered a 2.5D isometric perspective, if she could navigate well in the environment and she said yes. I instantly recalled Triangle Strategy, one of my favorite strategy games, and how beautiful it looked in that same perspective. I showed her the remake with a third-person view. “How do you think you’d play from this perspective? You can look everywhere and also up.” And her answer was very telling. “Why would I even want to look up when I can look down and see everything?” An answer worthy of a goddess!
I wonder how people will react to this remake compared to how they recognise the first games in the series. In this department, I consider myself a newcomer, because when I was younger I didn’t have access to JRPGs. I jumped from 2D Nintendo games directly to 3D games and then I spent years in the shadows doing university things. I still have mixed feelings about the perspective change, though. This is not a new discussion in JRPG groups, about which perspective people want to play their games in, if they prefer 3D character models or 2D sprites, if what feels more authentic is one or the other, especially when it comes to an original game where the authenticity is already established.
“Maybe you adapted to Triangle Strategy so well because the game required you to do other things where the perspective wasn’t so important,” my wife added. About this, I don’t know. True, the exploration in Triange Strategy was minimal, but my problem with Sky was the readability of the environment. I couldn’t see and distinguish colors and volumes easily in areas outside the village and interiors – my problem entirely. The top-down perspective is a feature of the original game and a fundamental part of its identity. Why did they decide to change it considering that so many people love games like Octopath Traveller or Star Ocean: The Second Story Remake? My personal preference is always 3D – it’s easier on my eyes for some reason and more immersive. Habit also plays a role. I’m looking forward to seeing more footage of the game and every little upgrade they make. The story is, in fact, the reason I still want to play the game. And Estelle, but that goes without saying.
Yesterday, we decided to spend a nice and cosy afternoon reading books when the world outside seemed to be overcome by yet another storm. September is almost here and with it comes more rain and beautiful brown, yellow and red leaves paving the footpaths. After finishing Soul Hackers 2 I can say that many games have passed by these hands this year. This blog will be one year old in November and since my Fire Emblem Three Houses rush last year – a game I still love so much – I have been playing games non-stop and also writing about them. With this I want to say that I don’t especially look forward to new games nor do I have the energy to look new things up. It’s nice that the release of Trails in the Sky is still some months ahead of us. Maybe even on a new Switch? We never know!
Erenshor — EverQuest for soloers
It's not an MMO, it's an MMO simulator where you can handpick the party of your dreams and clear dungeons, kill bosses, and find uber lewtz.
Twitch Drops: Why?
It's an army of low-effort streamers playing commercials to hundreds of hidden browser tabs.
#blaugust #blaugust2024 #fedora #linux #grub #bootloader
Building Thunderjaw — Day 1
My big birthday present this year was a LEGO Thunderjaw to go along with my LEGO Tallneck. It’s time to start putting it together.
Retro World Expo 2024: Adventure Awaits
That's another Retro World Expo under our belts, and we got Some Stuff. But I could have spent thousands more...
Nexus: Kingdom of the Wind
Most people have never heard of NexusTK. Some people maybe heard of it long ago. It's different for me. Nexus: Kingdom of the Wind was my only MMO before EverQuest rewrote the MMO rulebook.
Blaugust and Motivation - How The Sausage is Made at TAGN
#Blaugust, #Blogging
There was a discussion yesterday (thanks, @Nimgimli!) about the stories we tell about our MMO characters. Here’s five EverQuest stories about mine.
Humble Choice August 2024: Universe For Sale
You’re down at K-Mart or Sears, looking at all those shiny new PlayStation 2 games in the sharp glass case; which one is the lady behind the counter going to bring out for you?
Everafter Falls is a farming/life sim where you get hit by a truck and awoken into the real world where you tend a farm and talk to speaking animals. It's pretty unique to say the least and I do recommend it. Here's why! #Blaugust #Blaugust2024