"The Right of Nations to Self-Determination" (1914) by Vladimir Lenin. Audiobook.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
"The Right of Nations to Self-Determination" (1914) by Vladimir Lenin. Audiobook.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
CEOs aren't members of the proletariat. They don't merely sell their labor to the capitalist class. They act as representatives of the capitalist class, holding significant authority and control over the means of production. By virtue of their position within the capitalist system, as managers of the exploitation of labor, they aren't members of the proletariat but are extensions of the capitalist class.
S4A Livestream #126: DSA's ML Caucus; Depressed CEOs; Long COVID Awareness; Communist Chat; & More
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JFK files show the CIA contaminated sugar from Cuba bound to the USSR with chemicals.
In case you thought socialism and communism is bad, you’re wrong. We are being lied to, past CIA leaks prove that. #Cuba #USSR #Communism #Socialism #Democrats #Republicans #JFKfiles
Marxist critics of Anarchists accurately pointed out that a stateless society can not exist in a world dominated by capitalism, and that until such a time when statelessness will actually be able to be realized, which will likely be when there are very few or no capitalist states left in the world and when most of the world's states have become socialist, a transitional socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat, will be necessary.
Scientific Communism: grounded in historical materialism and offers a rigorous analysis of class struggles, production forces, and social relations
Utopian Communism (a.k.a., Libertarian Communism, a.k.a., Anarcho-Communism): the exact opposite in every way. It lacks a scientific basis, relies on idealism instead of material conditions, and, as a result, is wholly disconnected from reality.
Some choice quotes from an excellent article.
>This isn’t an accident. It’s not a coincidence. It’s a coordinated retreat. In the wake of a series of executive orders issued by the Trump administration targeting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, corporations, government agencies, and the military-industrial complex have scrambled like rats to fall in line. Overnight, they abandoned any pretense of commitment to “inclusivity” and equity, throwing their workforces to the wolves. We were told that the widespread adoption of DEI initiatives within these structures of power represented a tangible step forward in the struggle for better conditions for our people. But the past few weeks have laid bare just how shallow and conditional those so-called gains truly were.
>The non-profit industrial complex (NPIC) and NGOs play a similar role globally, masking imperialist agendas under the guise of humanitarianism. While NGOs are not inherently harmful, their funding and operations often align with the interests of Western powers, perpetuating dependency and eroding local capacities. By addressing symptoms of poverty and inequality without challenging the root causes—capitalism and imperialism—NGOs maintain the status quo.
>These programs, while offering opportunities, often prioritize U.S. influence over local autonomy, reinforcing systems of dependency and neocolonialism. For example, USAID-HBCU partnerships in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America have advanced U.S. geopolitical interests, including propping up color revolutions and soft power interventions. For Africans and the African diaspora, it is essential to question how HBCUs and their students are being used to advance U.S. interests abroad. This duality reflects the broader tension within HBCUs as institutions that exist within a system of racial capitalism while also striving to empower Black communities.
>We have to categorically reject the trap of symbolic victories within a materially destructive system. While representation and recognition may feel like progress and may feel good to us, that feeling ultimately distracts us from the reality that they serve as pacification tools that leave the fundamental structures of oppression intact.
>Finally, we have to strive for more than individual awareness, which is necessary but insufficient. The lie perpetuated by the co-opted Black History Month industry is that our history is the combination of revolutionary individuals, making individual acts and achievements, with individual motivations. This is antithetical to our true history, which is one of collective movements, mass organizations and institutions, and dedicated work among entire communities to create the ‘leaders’ we only remember.
>The state doesn’t fear our hashtags—it fears our organized power. It doesn’t fear our ‘awareness’—it fears our action. It doesn’t fear our criticism—it fears our alternatives.
Stalin was the last good Soviet Union leader. It all went downhill after he died.
#socialism #communism #history #legacy
"Critical Remarks on the National Question" (1913) by Vladimir Lenin. Audiobook.
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anarchism
You NEED to join the PSL. Help make a better future!
#socialism #communism #capitalism #anticapitalism #anticapitalist
I attended a Bernie Sanders rally with AOC at #asu. It was quite underwhelming. Bernie has not shifted his position on the reformism of the Democrats, at least at the event. He'll probably pass the torch down to AOC, but this will fail for a variety of reasons. AOC does have the same populist appeal as Sanders and has capitulated to the right wing of the Democrats repeatedly, so she can only succeed in her deep blue gerrymandered district.
Excellent video from YouTube channel revolutionaryth0t on the successes and failures of women's liberation in the USSR, with takeaways for future liberation efforts:
One crucial rule: don't target the average when designing, legislating, etc; instead, get as close to end-to-end coverage of the spectrum as you can.
"Was Trotsky a Bolshevik?", alt., "Why Leon Trotsky Sucked Hard."
#socialism #communism