On the problematic aspects of "People over Profit" crowd
Anyone who writes/utters the phrase" *People over Profits* (or) viceversa, but doesnt condemn State, Capitalism & so called "Democracy", doesnt call for abolition of all three of them (incl the support structures that enable them), are people you should not take seriously.
They are either clueless (or) propagandists (or) both.
Its immaterial whether they are do-gooder/not. So long as they are not willing to do root cause analysis, so long as they are not willing to dig deep, understand the layers beneath & start building a proposal for their solutions from there, they are not serious people. Regurgitation of other people's views without critically examining them is what unserious people do.
We have far too many people, esp in the so called "intellectual" sphere, in privileged places who make serious money (or) enjoy perks of hanging around at the top of food chain, peddling the "People over Profit" bullshit.
No need to pay serious attention to them as the extent of the "solutions" they propose are only going to lead to someone else writing the same thing about their "solutions" that they write about current systems — once their proposals are implemented, within the bounds of existing system.
Those "solutions" (that will never attack the root causes head-on) will never address the fundamental issues & they will keep you on the path of permanent sisyphean struggle.
If someone is serious about getting rid of this permanent sisyphean struggle, one need to take a serious look at Anarchy & that will force everyone to take a serious look at all centers of domination, not engage in cherrypicking, not pick one/few variables & assume those explain everything (Yes, *No war but class war* people & Marxists are included in this category), not engage in surface level analysis where in we confuse effect for the cause, ignore the root causes hoping surface level changes can somehow mask the much deeper level rot, much less address.