Früher wie heute müssen wir den Fokus auf soziale Ungleichheite und den Klassenkampf lenken. In einer Zeit der wachsenden Einkommensschere und prekärer Arbeitsverhältnisse bieten Marx Theorien kritische Perspektiven auf Wirtschaftssysteme und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Sie inspirieren weiterhin soziale Bewegungen und Debatten über Fairness und Solidarität. Er bleibt auch 142 Jahre nach seinem Tod bedeutsam! #dieLinke #marx
If you have not watched "No Other Land Yet" do yourself a favor and fix that. #nootherland #FreePalestine #Palestine #resist #resistance #love #propaganda #meme #antifa #anarchism #hamas #middleeast #marxist #marx #Leftist #liberal #democrats #rebel
Los marxistas no se dedican a organizar grupos de lectura o a difundir textos de Marx solo para que la gente reconozca que el capitalismo es problemático. Ni Marx ni Engels escribieron sus obras con esa única intención. La verdadera meta de toda esta teoría y estudio es facilitar la revolución.
"No #capitalist,” #Marx wrote, “ever voluntarily introduces a new method of production… so long as it reduces the rate of profit."
Even if that were true (it's not), it's a good thing lots of new methods of production don't reduce the rate of profit. Indeed, they increase it. Because they produces goods and services that the consumer prefers, or provides goods or services at a lower cost.
This piece explains in a nutshell the staggering failure of #capitalism to address the #climatecrisis. “No #capitalist,” #Marx wrote, “ever voluntarily introduces a new method of production… so long as it reduces the rate of profit.”
Wie revolutionär #RosaLuxemburg
Sunday 2-4 in #JamaicaPlain at #LucyParsonsCenter - 'escaping liberalism' #leftist policy discussions continues with #Marx 101, free, masks required,
#Boston #BostonWeekend 22/x
Coworker: What are you reading?
Me: A Spectre, Haunting by China Mieville about the Communist Manifesto which I have never read and is turning out to be quite eye-opening and incredibly relevant.
Coworker who has also never read it: begins to mansplain it to me and why he thinks social democracy is so much better.
Comedy: Biggest threats to capitalism: free healthcare, world peace, and ending hunger.
"If we can’t get our act together digitally, we won’t have our act together anywhere: reason 2"
“…if we can’t convince people to take over the means of production when it only requires a USB stick with #Linux and a short online course on #bash or #python, how are we ever going to gain control over (and share the fruits of) other, more material and inert kinds of #technology?”