Husband brought me a present from his trip. #GraphicNovel
Husband brought me a present from his trip. #GraphicNovel
You’ve got about 45 minutes to finish the $157 if you wanna see me jump around a grocery store.
Wie revolutionär #RosaLuxemburg
Team Avatar is back in Avatar: The Last Airbender Omnibus Ultimate Edition Boxed Set #comics #graphicnovel #avatarthelastairbender
Tapas (Main): tapas.io/series/Psychoborg/info
DD: theduckwebcomics.com/Psychoborg
GC: globalcomix.com/a/mkomics
CF: psychoborg.thecomicseries.com
Support and Social linktr.ee/MK_Wizard
#Psychoborg #cyborg #fantasy #dark #webcomic #comic #webcomics #action #light #wizard #magic #romance #drama #writerslift #artshare #comics #webcomics #graphicnovel #mature @drunkduck @Mayor
Today in honor of Black History Month, we remember Frederick Douglass, who died on this date, February 20, 1895. In an 1857 address Douglass said, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will."
After escaping slavery, Douglass became a national leader of the abolition movement. He also supported the women’s suffrage movement and ran for vice president as running mate to Victoria Woodhull on the Equal Rights Party ticket. In addition to being a brilliant orator, writer and social justice activist, Douglass was also the single most photographed man of the 19th century. He sat for over 160 portraits, always taking a dignified pose. He considered photography a tool for creating a positive image of black men. (Check out the graphic novel about Frederick Douglass by comic book artist extraordinaire, David Walker).
#graphicnovel #comics #illustration
An upcoming new #book “Beyond They/Them”: 20 Influential #nonbinary and #GenderDivers People You Should Know by @mlereads illustrations @cameronmukwa and @andrewsmcmeel May 06, 2025 https://publishing.andrewsmcmeel.com/
One of the first computers was #WilliaminaFleming Born 1857 she became one of the most prominent astronomers of her time yet we do not know a lot about her. I discovered her work while researching female computers for an exhibition and fast forward I‘m transcribing her journals in preparation for a story! She discovered 310 stars, 10 novae & 52 nebulae, including the #horseheadnebula! This will be my biggest undertaking yet! #comic #graphicnovel #femalecomputers #herstory #geschichte #computer
Character designs! I've been doing designs for my comic lately, and things are coming along. #aliens #graphicnovel #CharacterDesign
Hey, a graphic novel I worked on is out! Check out Space Chasers by astronaut Leland Melvin, Joe Caramagna & Alison Acton! It's the first in a series of middle grade books about a team of brilliant kids who become astronauts + have an amazing adventure. I loved working on this series so much.
Link: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-steam-team-book-1-leland-melvin/21278348
Just learned that my last graphic novel is getting an US license!
"Bloody Mary" will be released by Andrews McMeel this summer.
Available for pre-order! https://publishing.andrewsmcmeel.com/book/bloody-mary/
Song of a Blackbird is a story of two time periods and two battles that are connected by mystery #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
give me your favorite comic book/graphic novel and manga recommendations, i've been on a kick lately
#GraphicNovel- #Buchtipp
„Ich zähle auf Euch!“ - diese Aufforderung veröffentlichte die frühere Résistance-Kämpferin und ehemalige Kriegsreporterin #MadeleineRiffaud noch mit 99 Jahren auf ihrem Facebook-Account, um zusammen gegen die extreme Rechte vorzugehen. Im Comic "Madeleine, die Widerständige" wird ihr Leben als Widerstandskämpferin gegen die Nazis geehrt, die im November 2024 mit 100 Jahren verstarb (#avant-Verlag)
Die @3sat #Kulturzeit von gestern hatte folgende Themen:
- Was die #AfD gegen das #Bauhaus hat.
Lassen wir mal das Bauhaus außen vor, der Beitrag zeigte auch sehr gut wie sehr sich diese Partei ganz subtil an der Kultur zu schaffen macht. Ein Warnsignal mit Ausrufezeichen.
- Toll fand ich die Vorstellung einer #GraphicNovel über Bowies Zeit in Berlin.
- Sehr interessant und sehr gruselig war der Beitrag über ein #KI Tool das als Kunstkritiker auftritt.
New page of my scifi webcomic is released! Go check it out!
My new book is out TODAY in the US & Canada!
The US version also comes in hardback, with an
Tried to get some natural light / autumnal photos, since I feel like it's a good comfort read for a cosy night in.
More info & links here https://www.hari-illustration.com/-i-shall-never-fall-in-love
#Regency #GraphicNovel #QueerBooks #Trans