Dark coats may have helped the earliest mammals hide from hungry dinosaurs. The spots and stripes familiar to us today didn't arise until later in mammalian evolution https://www.sciencenews.org/article/dark-coats-earliest-mammals-dinosaurs
#Mesozoic mammaliaforms illuminate the origins of pelage coloration https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ads9734
"Zebra stripes? Leopard print? Neither were in vogue among the earliest #mammals during the Age of #Dinosaurs. Early mammals and their close relatives probably sported dark, drab coats from snout to tail."
And I wrote this very silly poem about why Ankylosaurus is the best dinosaur:
If you’re in France or Germany, you can currently find the documentary on ARTE or ZDF under the name Dinosaures, la chasse aux fossiles / Auf der Jagd nach Dino-Fossilien. I highly recommend checking it out!
Important article drawing attention to the escalating illegal fossil trade with insights from Jeremy Xido (xido.org), director of the documentary film The Bones.
Hello there, it's time for my #introduction
I'm a #french #Cosplay Photographer, based in #strasbourg
As a pro photographer, I'm working with my clients to create the best pictures about their cosplays, fitting the mood and the universe they like.
I mainly express myself in french
I share my passions about #cinema #popculture #scifi #photo #geek and of course #dinosaurs
Models : Stylouz, Medusacosplay, Keyuricosplay and @inkdustrielle
Not my favourite kind of work, sewing many small parts together. Fixed them with a fix number of colourful pins per body part, so I don't accidently forget to remove one. Safety first, when creating toys for children. Prior crocheted animals were stitched together without placing the parts first, but the result looks more nice this way.
*Drumroll*... review #500! The Future of Dinosaurs is a fresh take on pop-palaeo that flips the script by charting the limits of our knowledge.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Fossils #Evolution #Paleontology #Palaeontology #Dinosaurs #Scicomm @bookstodon
Video game protagonists: (exist)
Every dinosaur in visual range from bottom feeder to herbivore: "Absolutely fucking not"
T-Rex is closer to us in time, than to Stegosaurus.
Stegosaurus: c. 152-145 million years ago.
Tyrannosaurus-Rex: c. 68-66 million years ago.
Hi everyone!
I am a vertebrate #paleontology PhD student at the University of Portsmouth, UK
My research is centered around the #biomechanics and functional morphology of extinct animals.
I study the locomotion of #pterosaurs and #dinosaurs, specifically focusing on the semi-aquatic theropod #Spinosaurus
These are the #dinosaurs making #decisions for us.
Interesting science:
"A new discovery by a team of volunteers and scientists published Thursday takes a big step to solving that riddle by unearthing tantalising first evidence a large predatory dinosaur, never before seen here: carcharodontosauria."
#victoria #dinosaurs #australia https://www.smh.com.au/national/new-fossil-finding-upends-victoria-s-dino-ecosystem-20250219-p5ldgu.html
meet Pickles the 100% knit wooly stegosaurus. (Well. His eyes are sewn on but thats all). Pickles is warm and soft and took roughly 230 hours on circular needles to make.
#cute #art
@Daojoan Trump loves fossil fuel because he is a fossil.
#dinosaurs #past #old #obsolete