If anyone uses the #DivestOS #CustomROM and wonders why there are no #Updates for January, its development has ended: https://web.archive.org/web/20250120181116/https://divestos.org/pages/news#end
The websites divested.dev and divestos.org are already offline and the apps at #FDroid are discontinued: https://forum.f-droid.org/t/divest-os-apps-discontinued/29792
I hope that most of you are not taken by surprise by this news, and can migrate to @GrapheneOS, for example. I am grateful to have been able to work reliably with Tavi's wonderful soft fork and would like to thank you very much to @divested for this great contribution to the security and privacy of #Android smartphones.
PSA if you use Mull (the privacy hardened Firefox/Fennec fork) on Android, or any of the other apps maintained by DivestOS: It is now dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20250115190317/https://divestos.org/pages/news#end
There is a fork called IronFox. Unfortunately it is not in the official F-Droid repository, and I don't think they have reproducible builds, either :(
If like me you don't like to run Chrome on Android, meet #Ironfox[1], a great project that continues the legacy of the now defunct #Mull[2] by #DivestOS.
Ironfox enables features upstreamed by the #Tor uplift project and preferences from the `arkenfox-user.js` project.
Repo to be added to F-droid/NeoStore: https://fdroid.ironfoxoss.org/fdroid/repo/index.html
[1]: https://gitlab.com/ironfox-oss/IronFox
[2]: https://divestos.org/pages/our_apps#mull
Wow, so #MullBrowser will be discontinued as well (together with the whole #DivestOS project), that's bad news
Random thought, but since #DivestOS has shut down, what happens to #Hypatia antivirus? Did it have other contributors outside of that project? Will they keep developing it? All the "donate" links on its GitHub go to the Divest page, but I'm not sure how independent Hypatia is or isn't. I use #CalyxOS and Hypatia is included or endorsed by them, so I'm sort of curious.
With DivestOS discontinuing, I'm looking for an alternative to Mull on #Android. I want a Gecko-based browser, preferably more privacy-focused than Firefox itself. Though I will say that I'm not totally opposed to it.
Thus far I've heard of ArkenFox, which I'm going to try out. It's a bonus that it's on F-Droid.
I also saw that Midori has a Android version now. Though not on F-Droid? I've never heard of their Play Store alternative, UpToDown. Are they legit?
I have Tor, but it's too hard nosed for me for daily driving.
I'm up to suggestions!
::EDIT:: Mainly edited to fix a hashtag, but also I'm trying Fennec atm.
Sad news: The great #DivestOS project has come to an end and with it popular apps such as the hardened #Firefox fork #Mull, #Hypatia and the #Mulch browser: https://divestos.org/pages/news#end
Better migrate to #Fennec or #Firefox.
Thanks for all the hard work on the project all these years @divested!
FYI latest Mull build from #divestos repo is at version 131
@gloopsies @GrapheneOS Have you heard of/tried #DivestOS? https://divestos.org/
According to https://eylenburg.github.io/android_comparison.htm it seems to be the next best option after #GrapheneOS. It's what I use on my #GooglePixel.
It's clearly not impossible to keep using the same phone for a while.
But it's really not made any easier by vendors providing ridiculously short support (save for @WeAreFairphone), which means the device's operating system stops receiving upgrades…
Meaning in turn certain apps stop working and security vulnerabilities go unfixed, despite admirable projects like @divested' #DivestOS @calyxos or @GrapheneOS doing what they can to keep providing updates and extending the life of some devices.
My #DivestOS has had it removed since October 20th 2020: https://codeberg.org/divested-mobile/divestos-build/commit/0958df7de#diff-4badf0fd699f299cce6d6453ceff89904dd4ba0a
@GrapheneOS has had it removed since at least November 7th 2021: https://github.com/GrapheneOS/adevtool/commit/9c5ac945f#diff-95eb7b50f2781158146e721436d7c5d6f7421755906307a6b7a1f727bb20d53eR109
ok my options for the upcoming phone flashing : lineageos ( classic ), libremobileos ( lineageos fork with some nice features ), and divestos ( lineageos fork with security, foss, and privacy enhanced features )
opinions ? device : vayu #android #tech #lineageos #libremobileos #divestos #mobile #phones
Wie bereits angekündigt, habe ich die Empfehlungsecke überarbeitet. So wurde zum Beispiel das Kapitel Android Custom-ROMs komplett überarbeitet. Unter anderem neu dabei eine Orientierung: »Welches Custom-ROM soll ich installieren?«
Tad, Entwickler von #DivestOS, möchte bis Ende Februar mindestens 12.000 USD Dollar an Spenden einsammeln - andernfalls wird er sein Engagement und Zeit für das Projekt drastisch reduzieren. Wenn ihr DivestOS nutzt, darüber nachdenkt oder das Projekt einfach unterstützen möchtet, dann hier entlang.