New Privacy Guides article
by @jonah :
With the political changes
happening in the United States right now,
You might be seeking Europe-based tech alternatives to trust your data with.
Moreover, if you are an organization dealing with data from Europeans, it could be wise to start the move for GDPR compliance now, in the eventuality the EU–US Data Privacy Framework it relies on were to change...
Whatever the reason,
you can check some of Privacy Guides' recommendations in this excellent article-list by Jonah:
Aah, delicious cheap eggs
Financial Times piece on $1.4 billion in shaky accounting on #Tesla’s books is… whoah.
Due to the reality of British libel laws and #ElonMusk’s propensity to sue his detractors i have to assume this is one of the most heavily legally vetted and fact checked things you will ever read. (Also not unreasonable to suspect there might be other tidbits of information the lawyers wouldn't sign off on being published - that happened a *lot* with FT's Wirecard investigation)
p.s. the FT reporter is #DanMcCrum, whose decade long crusade to take down the #Wirecard fraud is one of the more insane stories you can read on the subject of accounting based forensic journalism (McCrum wrote a book about the experience called “Money Men”). Trust me, it's more exciting than it sounds. There's Russian spies and shit.
* FT:
* no paywall:
(h/t @Lazarou)
March 18: France will distribute a “survival manual” for every household.
March 6: Netherlands said citizens need to prepare to manage "without the central government" in case of a "real conflict.”
November 2024: Sweden, Norway & Finland put out new advice on surviving war, with Sweden including this message:
“If Sweden is attack…we will never give up. All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.”
Hot take for the day:
Australia, New Zealand and Canada should join the EU.
"The outgoing lower chamber of the #German parliament, the #Bundestag, voted on Tuesday to amend the country's constitution and clear the way for a historic debt-funded investment package which could run to €1 trillion or more in higher military spending and investments in the country’s ageing infrastructure."
Sounds terrifying?
Here it comes the horrible.
"Prior to the Tuesday vote, Germany’s Constitutional Court has rejected emergency appeals against the proposed amendments by lawmakers of the #AfD, the #FreieDemokratische as well as #DieLinke.
Lawmakers cited worries about the outgoing Bundestag making a decision of this magnitude after a new parliament has already been elected, as well as concerns about the consultation period being too short for MPs to make informed decisions."
They made a democratic coup so to be able to give the next (for sure) extreme-right government of #Germany a new modern arsenal. Humanity trembles.
#warmongers #fuckWarmongers #war #militarism #againstmilitarism #ResistMilitarism #EUcoups #Eupol #EU
If you believe #Russia has any intention of ending this war, you either haven't been paying attention, or you're delusional.
Russia will keep attacking #Ukraine until they have completely subjugated it, and then it will be our turn.
These negotiations are pointless, and only buy Russia more time. The only language Russia understands is force.
@pascaline @benroyce @erikwesselius
America must be the cautionary tale for us. We must take action that it never happen here.
Who loves freedom! Lets all join together then so we can collectively protect and enjoy freedom. Mexico should be invited along with some other countries like Japan and South Korea that enshrine democratic values (India will have to make big changes first).
EU + Commonwealth + Mexico + Japan + South Korea = New World Order
Why and how do you justify US decisions to bomb any country they like, just because they can?
Why and how do you turn a blind eye to the hypocrisy of the EU, which always supports the atrocities of the US?
Both the EU through its representatives and the heads of state of Europe and other Western countries have repeatedly spoken out against the border change, strongly criticised Russia and given billions to Ukraine to fight Russia.
But why do they not speak and act in the same way for
a) Israel's invasion of Syria and Lebanon?
b) Turkey's invasion of Syria and Iraq?
Untrustworthy, liars and hypocrites
ebola and dying in a fire are now roughly as popular as #Tesla in Germany.
#Portugal has decided it will not replace its current F-16 fighter jets with F-35s, and will instead consider European alternatives such as the #Rafale or #Gripen.
In a statement, the Ministry of defence stated: "The predictability of our allies must be taken into account when making procurement decisions" (updated translation)
Let's check the graph a bit.
At the end of last year, the hawks of @EUCommission tried to push for €1 trillion. Then we had the massage of EU leaders and the "most realistic" of 500 billion. After that, with tons of #propaganda and false claims about dangers around, they came out with an actual plan of €820 billion (when for so many years #EU has a plan of #austerity...) and announced orders... This is how the stock prices of war industries moved and finally (for now) soared.
PS.The European war industry is not ready to deliver this amount of war products, so the states will buy promises of deliverance.
#warmongers #EUpol #ClassWar
p/v @IAmSpartacus
I’d like to suggest to Europeans out there if it’s not already glaringly obvious that the quickest solution is to apply maximum pressure. Methodically declare US corporations as terrorist or something equivalent, to say their business operations threaten the health and safety and rights of people throughout Europe.
Trump and Elon are doing an informercial for #Tesla in front of the White House.