Confirmed ICE Alert at S White Rd & Tully Rd, San Jose, CA 95148, USA.
Multiple ICE vehicles are on the move, please be prepared for the target location to change.
Confirmed ICE Alert at S White Rd & Tully Rd, San Jose, CA 95148, USA.
Multiple ICE vehicles are on the move, please be prepared for the target location to change.
Some great news to pass on:
This asshole has passed on!
On election day, no less. Maybe it's a sign.
@DavidM_yeg @pluralistic @bloodravenlib it's particularly funny (not in a ha-ha way) that #Lowes is the business in question, here, given the bandwagonning some were putting towards Lowe's away from #HomeDepot, given HD's owner being pro-tRump. As if Lowe's had a conscience and were some nice business.
Spoiler: they are not. There are none. Large corporations are soul-less, scruple-less, and will always fuck people over, to boost bottomline, because that is how they are set up. The world will burn because CEOs need bonuses.
Learn this, peeps. Don't give in to artificial culture wars. ALL large corporations are evil, no billionaires are good.
From 2011: #Wikileaks Exposed #USEspionage of #IndigenousPeoples
December 29, 2011
by #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews
"Wikileaks exposed the US #corporate schemes, espionage, promotion of #mining and efforts globally to halt passage of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In the Censored News pick for the Best of the Best in 2011, Wikileaks claims first prize.
"Wikileaks revealed extensive espionage of Indigenous Peoples, including the #Mapuche and #Mohawks, and Venezuelan President #HugoChavez and Bolivian President #EvoMorales, who ushered in a new #Indigenous global rights campaign.
"The release of the US diplomatic cables of the US State Department confirmed that the US feared the power of Indigenous Peoples, specifically their claims to their traditional territories, a right stated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Further, the Declaration states the right of free, prior and informed consent before development proceeds and protects intellectual and cultural property rights.
"Here's the top six ways that the United States and Canada, as revealed by Wikileaks, worked against the rights of Indigenous Peoples, by engaging in espionage and the promotion of mining, while violating Indigenous autonomy, self determination and dignity.
"1. The #UnitedStates worked behind the scenes to fight the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In #Ecuador, the US established a program to dissuade Ecuador from supporting the Declaration. In Iceland, the US Embassy said Iceland's support was an "impediment" to US/Iceland relations at the UN. In Canada, the US said the US and Canada agreed the Declaration was headed for a "train wreck."
"2. The United States targeted and tracked Indigenous Peoples, community #activists and leaders, especially in Chile, Peru and Ecuador. A cable reveals the US Embassy in Lima, Peru, identified #IndigenousActivists and tracked the involvement of Bolivian President Evo Morales, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Bolivia Ambassador #PabloSolon, prominent #Mapuche and Quechua activists and community leaders. President Chavez and President Morales were consistently watched, and their actions analyzed. Indigenous activists opposing the dirty #TarSands were spied on, and other Indigenous activists in Vancouver, prior to the Olympics.
"3. The United States was part of a coalition to promote mining and fight against Indigenous activists in Peru. A core group of diplomats from U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Switzerland and South Africa formed an alliance with mining companies to promote and protect mining interests globally. In other illegal corporate profiteering, #Peru’s government secretly admitted that 70-90 percent of its #mahogany exports were illegally felled, according to a US embassy cable revealed by Wikileaks. #Lowes and #HomeDepot sell the lumber.
"4. The United States and Canada tracked Mohawks. In one of the largest collections of cables released so far that targeted Native people and named names, the US Embassies in Montreal and Toronto detailed Mohawk activities at the border and in their communities.
"5. The arrogant and insulting tone of the US Embassies and disrespect for Indigenous leaders is pervasive in US diplomatic cables. The US Embassy in #Guatemala stated that President of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom, called Rigoberta Menchu a "fabrication" of an anthropologist and made other accusations. Menchu responded on a local radio station that Colom was a "liar."
"6. The collection of DNA and other data, makes it clear that US Ambassadors are spies abroad. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton states that the Intelligence Community relies on biographical information from US diplomats. In cables to Africa and Paraguay, Clinton asked US Embassy personnel to collect address books, e-mail passwords, fingerprints, iris scans and DNA.
“The intelligence community relies on State reporting officers for much of the biographical information collected worldwide," Clinton said in a cable on April 16, 2009. Clinton said the biographical data should be sent to the INR (Bureau of Intelligence and Research) for dissemination to the Intelligence Community.
"Meanwhile, the US was part of a five country team that supported mining as Indigenous Peoples were dying to protect their homeland.
The arrogance of the US and its cheerleading for corporate #CopperMining in Peru is obvious in two cables just released from Wikileaks. The diplomatic cables reveal the US promoting multi-national corporations, while targeting Indigenous activists and their supporters.
"The cables reveal that a core group of diplomats formed an alliance with mining companies to promote and protect mining interests globally. The diplomats were from the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Switzerland and South Africa.
Read more at http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2011/02/wikileaks-peru-us-ambassador-targeted.html
"The US spied on the Mohawks in Canada, as revealed in these diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks. Canadian border guards admitted that they feared the Mohawks: http://censored-news.blogspot.com/2011/05/wikileaks-cables-on-mohawks.html
"Wikileaks exposed the fact that not only were Indigenous Peoples spied on globally by the US State Department, but those who supported them were also spied on. Actor and activist Danny Glover was the focus of at least five US diplomatic cables."
#Censorship #PressFreedom
#FreeAssange #JournalismIsNotACrime
Watching #ye and #TyDollaSign’s #Vulture #Yeezy stream as well as #AdinRoss and #iShowSpeed’s #Kick stream and it’s kinda hilarious
They talked with the livestreaming team and members of the crew, they built the set in a day with stuff from #HomeDepot and are having to kick people off the stage because it’s bending and about to break
Via CREW, Citizens for Ethics:
Congratulations to #HomeDepot, which has officially donated $1,000,000 to support the members of Congress who voted not to certify the results of the 2020 election.
Bankrolling the Sedition Caucus is a choice, and Home Depot has doubled down!
@vriska Wasn't she the same one saying that being in #StrangerThings prevented her from acting in other stuff? Despite #DavidHarbour acting in plenty of other things during the series' run?
Not the brightest bulb in #HomeDepot, that one.
Long thread/18
Rines singles out several large American companies as hotspots of POV: #Pepsi, #HomeDepot, and even discounters like #Walmart and #DollarTree. POV makes everyone worse off: low-income people are priced out of the market, and high-income people are ripped off. Only the shareholders benefit.
Take Pepsi: after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Pepsi pulled out of Russia.