After the developers have released the first six minutes of gameplay footage, I decided to dissect it as best as I can.
Here's my analysis, enjoy:
After the developers have released the first six minutes of gameplay footage, I decided to dissect it as best as I can.
Here's my analysis, enjoy:
The first alpha release for Kitten Space Agency seems to get closer! I compiled a couple of things that we can expect from this very early acccess release.
(and yes, I am aware that they posted new gameplay footage. I'll do a video about that soon, didn't make it in time for this week's video).
I just published Controller in Hand, Future in Sight: #eSports in 2025 https://link.medium.com/ZTt19iajeQb
@mysk that's because #Apple has introduced varios #Govware - #Backdoors in their products.
Otherwise it would be illegal to own, import, sell or use #iPhone|s and other Devices in the "P.R." #China, #Russia, #SaudiArabia / #KSA & #India and it would be illegal to #export #macOS & #iOS as per #ITAR!
Also #iCloud is evidently #backdoored on purpose: Otherwise they would.not have been able to serve their chinese users on a silver platter to Beijing!
@drrjv aside from #Apple's #iOS beibg well integrated and really having good #accessibility those arguments are subjective if not flatout wrong...
For example: Apple doesn't care about [www.youtube.com] #privacy, otherwise their products & services would be illegal in the "P.R." #China, #KSA and #Russia...
@RustyBertrand [kolektiva.social] you forgot #KSA, #Iran and #Afghanistan tho...
There, Wm#woman ain't even recognized as human beingsnwith rights, but treated as property of #men!
On the subject of foreign policy, 2020's criticisms of Trump's "race for a war with Iran" have been replaced with celebrations of Biden's escalating military actions against Iranian-linked groups and admonishing Trump for being too *soft* on Iran, here in 2024. After decrying Saudi Arabia's disastrous war in Yemen and promising to turn the country into a "pariah" in it's 2020 platform, the Dem Party touts Biden's plans to normalize relations between the KSA and Israel; which is both an extension of Trump era policy and entirely unsurprising after Biden lifted his ban on providing Prince Bonesaw's country with offensive weaponry. Given all this it should surprise no one that the 2024 Dem Party platform has also stripped mention of opposing forever wars and regime change operations, while dropping promises to decrease defense funding. Gone too are vague nods to avoiding "a new cold war" with China, and reforming the U.S. sanction regime.
On the subject of climate crisis, Dem speakers at the DNC were *mostly* silent; although organizers did allow Punchbowl News to hold an event sponsored by ExxonMobil nearby without comment. Hey, what's the big deal, it's not like we're already in a mass extinction event and fossil-fuel driven capitalism is threatening to kill billions of people, right? While the Party Platform offered some assurances on protecting the right of trans people, if anyone pushed back on or mentioned at all the fascist right's ongoing pogrom and eliminationist policies targeting trans folks, I certainly missed it. Don't worry though, I'm sure working behind the scenes and refusing to publicly stand up for a vulnerable minority group being demonized as pedophiles and targeted for extermination by fascists will win Democrats a many as a half dozen cracker suburban voters who want to pogrom trans people out of existence; so clearly doing nothing to push back on that dangerous rhetoric and these monstrous policies has no downside and was the smart play here.
Nowhere however was the Dem's betrayal of its own voter's values more apparent than on the subject of Israel's ongoing genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza. The Party's 92 page platform appears completely unchanged from Biden's disastrous pro-Israel, pro-genocide Gaza policy. Anti-genocide protesters were assaulted by Chicago Police outside the convention; nobody inside even mentioned it. The DNC refused to allow a single Palestinian American to speak at the convention; despite a wildly publicized sit-in outside the hall by Uncommitted delegates begging for a few minutes of their time while offering officials the chance to vet the speech in advance. Naturally, they Dems allowed Israeli and even Republican speakers. A Harris *delegate* was physically attacked with "we heart Joe" signs by attendees for raising a banner that read "Stop Arming Israel," while folks calling out to "stop killing women in Gaza" where shouted down by nationalist chants of U.S.A. from the crowd around them. Did I mention that progressive prodigy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised Harris's "tireless work" to obtain a ceasefire despite no evidence that work exists at all? Well now I have. There was also no mention whatsoever of an arms embargo on Israel while it conducts a genocide, which forces one to assume that nothing has changed since a Biden spokesperson said it was off the table even under Harris.
Please keep in mind that all of this is despite recent polling that shows 70% of likely voters, and 83% of Democrat voters support a *permanent* cease fire and all evidence indicates that nothing short of an arms embargo on Israel will force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hand enough to grant one. As representatives from the Uncommitted movement itself have stated, even a large number of the delegates at the 2024 DNC support a permanent ceasefire and an arms embargo; there was little to no public indication of this on offer at the DNC however. Furthermore this recalcitrance and silencing in support of a genocide was also going on despite the fact that the slaughter in Gaza has a very real chance of being the number one election issue for folks who might vote Democrat in the must-win swing state of Michigan.
@GrapheneOS but they won't because integrating #Govware #Backdoors that are exploitable is what keeps them in business and allows for #Export & #Import in markets like #Russia, #SaudiArabia and others with #Cyberfacist rules.
The only way #GrapheneOS is not going to get #shafted (i.e. licensed #MacintoshClones like #PowerComputing did when #SteveJobs took over Apple) is by basically not being dependent on Google's "benevolence" and instead collaborate with other vendors.
-Maybe @frameworkcomputer would be interested in doing a secure #Abmndroid-based #Smartphone that is actually repairable?
IDK but this will require a longterm strategic decision, as "bitchin' about it" won't change anything...
Someone at #Reddit's #WallStreetBets should please #ShortSqueeze #KSA's #PIF into #bankrupcy so that the Regime collapses!
And yes, #NEOM in specific and #KSA in general is an absolute #shitshow to work for or rather in [www.youtube.com].
When people like #AlNasr are being quoted saying: "I drive everybody like a slave, when they drop dead, I celebrate. That's how I do my projects." One can imagine that this will even get #ElonMusk-Fans and #TechBros leaving...
" [...] In einem Land, das keine #Pressefreiheit kennt, gibt es keine zuverlässigen Wirtschaftsdaten. [...]"
Damit ist eigentlich alles zur "V.R." #China, #Nordkorea, #Russland, #KSA, #Iran & Co. gesagt, was gesagt werden muss!
@andreas_tengicki @peterjelinek Dass #KSA kein #Totalembargo kassiert, ist ein zeichen von #Achwäche aller #Demokratien!
@schrotie @frumble @nf3xn @thomholwerda @alexander #Apple will likely try their "#PlatformFee" bs but in the end they'll have to either comply woth @EUCommission decisions or GTFO the #EU, and considering they have no problem integrating #Govware #Backdoors for the "P.R. #China and hosting #Spyware for #KSA on theor #AppStore, they have no "#MoralHighGround" to speak of!
@MrLee @rob11563 @w7voa obviously you are wasting my time.
What in [infosec.space]
- Disallow the media to reward Stochastic Terrorists with airtime […]
was misunderstandable?
Demanding cheap populist solutions is inherently bad...
@inch ganz einfach: Weil die #EU neidisch auf den #Cyberfaschismus in der "V.R." #China und #KSA und #USA sind...
Deshalb wird #CyberfaschistischeKackshice wie "#Chatkontrolle" gepushed.
@gerrymcgovern #FACT: Everything is #political, and #apoliticalness is - outside of terror and torture regimes like #KSA, #Russia and "P.R." #China - an admission to being either a coward or completely overwhelmed by the world's #Enshittification!