Cuando todo parece ir mal en el #anime de #KiminiTodoke solo hay que dejar que entre en escena Pin. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos arregló las cosas en la nueva temporada del #anime. #FelizViernes a todos :3.
Cuando todo parece ir mal en el #anime de #KiminiTodoke solo hay que dejar que entre en escena Pin. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos arregló las cosas en la nueva temporada del #anime. #FelizViernes a todos :3.
Sigo viendo la más reciente temporada del #anime de #KiminiTodoke en #Netflix. Mientras las cosas se resuelven por otro lado la pareja principale tiene sus propios problemas. #FelizViernes a todos :3.
Sigo viendo la nueva temporada del #anime de #KiminiTodoke. Es genial que mostraran mucho más del pasado de Ryu y Chizuru. Le añade más contexto a su relación. #FelizViernes a todos :3.
No es que sea fan de Kurumi en #KiminiTodoke pero salvo una aparición y hasta donde he visto no entra en escena mucho en la tercera temporada. Se extraña un poco a la canija. #FelizViernes a todos :3.
Para ser sincero hubiera preferido que los episodios de la tercera temporada del #anime de #KiminiTodoke duraran de forma normal y no más de una hora. Pero en fin, al menos la serie volvió del olvido. #FelizViernes a todos :3.
ICYMI - here's our new First Impression post on Kimi ni Todoke, Season 3 https://beneaththetangles.com/2024/08/05/first-impression-kimi-ni-todoke-season-3/
Have you started watching it? What are your thoughts? Let us know here or in the comments on the blog.
First Impression: Kimi ni Todoke, Season 3
Sometimes a first date is more than just a first date. For Kazeyaha and Kuronuma, it's the culmination of the feelings that have been developing and growing between them for many months. In fact, on their date, Kuronuma even gives Kazehaya gifts related to her history of pining for him—a strap to match the one he once gave her (to which he admits that it wasn't just a "gift exchange" sort of present but something more special), a knit cap to replace the one her dad assumed was for him, and Valentine's Day chocolates that she "wanted to give him, but couldn't." But as big as this step is for these two, the first date is just the first; there are both milestones and challenges ahead as they seek to discover what it means to be a good girlfriend and boyfriend respectively, and as they (duh duh duh!) meet one another's parents!
Want to know more? https://beneaththetangles.com/2024/08/05/first-impression-kimi-ni-todoke-season-3/
Fanart Friday: Kuronuma + Kazehaya
Season three of Kimi ni Todoke is OUT NOW on Netflix! Hurrah! ★ 【鬽】「 四月は君の嘘 」 ☆ reprinted w/permission
Ohey... #Netflix just dropped new episodes of Kimi ni Todoke out of the blue
#Netflix publicó un nuevo tráiler de la tercera temporada del #anime de #KiminiTodoke, reveló su fecha de estreno y adelantó su tema de #opening :3. https://universo-nintendo.com.mx/2024/07/09/kimi-ni-todoke-temporada-3-fecha-estreno-opening/
The Third Season of the Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You Anime Is Scheduled to Premiere on August 1, 2024
Netflix has announced that the third season of the Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You anime is scheduled to premiere worldwide on its service on August 1, 2024.
The Third Season of the Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You Anime Is Scheduled to Premiere in August 2024
The official website for the third season of the Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You anime has announced that the season is scheduled to premiere worldwide on Netflix in August 2024.
La tercera temporada del #anime de #KiminiTodoke tiene mes de estreno, póster y su primer tráiler; es una de las grandes exclusivas de #Netflix de este año :3. https://tinyurl.com/2r49z7be
Mientras el #anime de #KiminiTodoke está a la espera de su tercera temporada su creadora trabaja en un nuevo #manga y es Toppuu to Beat :3. http://tinyurl.com/49auzbun
#Netflix publica un resumen del #anime de #KiminiTodoke, y el equipo detrás de la tercera temporada confirma más de su reparto y otros detalles :3. http://tinyurl.com/mrysz9d2
With #kiminitodoke #frommetoyou announcing a third season after 13 years (!!).
Can we talk about a #shoujo renaissance? Is it here?
With #AConditionCalledLove and #ASignOfAffection also getting an #anime in 2024.
Not to mention that #OokuTheInnerChambers got an anime as well!
Are we there yet?
Or do we need Season 2 (and 3 and 4) of #yonaofthedawn and Season 4 of #chihayafuru to surely say that we're back?
Me personally I would kill for a #queensquality adaptation.
Kimi ni Todoke – From Me to You Anime to Get Sequel Anime in 2024
Next round:
- Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You: Soulmate (story and art by Karuho Shiina; releases Spring 2024)
- One Piece: Ace’s Story–The Manga (art by Boichi; releases Spring 2024)
- One Piece: Shokugeki no Sanji (story Yuuto Tsukuda; art Shun Saeki; Spring 2024)
- Earthchild (art and story by Hideo Shinkai; Fall 2023)
Tags: @manga #Manga #NewRelease #VizMedia #OnePiece #KimiNiTodoke
So, the #FirstImpression posts for #Spring2023 have already begun! The first? @twwk did a first impression of the Japanese live-action adaptation of Kimi ni Todoke available now on Netflix. https://beneaththetangles.com/2023/03/30/first-impression-kimi-ni-todoke-netflix-live-action/
Tags: #KiminiTodoke #君に届け #Netflix