This weeks #Lego #FossilFriday is #Palaeoloxodon
In 1695, straight-tusked elephant remains were found near Thuringia, Germany. They were declared minerals. Wilhelm Ernst Tentzel, a polymath in the employ of the ducal court of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, correctly recognised that they represented the remains of an elephant.
Before 1845, Eurasian Palaeoloxodon were thought to be woolly mammoths.
In 1846, paleontologists Hugh Falconer and Proby Cautley named the first Eurasian Palaeoloxodon.
In a 6 mm wargame, my mecha would be ~15 mm tall, while at this scale they're about 4 plates. Like the vehicles, they're heavily abstracted, but I still tried to differentiate the designs. This way I can field entire companies of CASEs. No idea when I'll get around to rules, but it's a start. #LEGO
This week for #Fossilfriday we have another #Guess that #Lego #Fossil.
This one I would rate as medium. This large megafauna originated in Africa in the early Pleistocene.
Reminder: hide your answer behind a content warning. This will allow others to guess without a hint. I will post the answer tomorrow (and to anyone who guesses correctly).
This was designed by iceagemuseum, and modified by me into a lego build.
Morningstar started off as an idea for a 6 mm miniatures game, before I got into digital #LEGO design. But while I like the skirmish-scale mecha (and spaceships) I'm working on, I still love a mass battle. So here are some roughly 1p-scale infantry and vehicles of the EDSC and Khuraltan Alliance.
I don’t have anything to say today so have a #lego bee-creature
I've been enjoying playtesting in BrickLink Studio and got to wondering what else I could play. I made a few 6p scale D&D classes, then put them on larger bases for something like Strength and Honour. While nowhere near cost-effective compared to 2mm minis, they'd be fine for digital gaming. #LEGO
Calling that it for Lego Horizon Adventures. Solid game, more level variety would have been nice but biggest stick in my craw is the "max level all characters" achievement: I got 1 of 4 max just about as I got the last of the other trophies. It'd be at least a few hours just grinding enemies to level up the rest.
Cute little style though, Lego Sylens is a DJ
LOL, my four-star review of the Light My Bricks lighting set for the Lego Botanical Garden building, which I titled “Not bad, a bit perfunctory” has failed to materialize on the page after several business days. I guess no one there knows what “perfunctory” means and they’re afraid to look it up using the corporate intranet.
I feel I need to buy a #Lego today because I fear I will not be able to in a few months.
Read “The Joyously Violent Art of ‘Brikwars’“ by Oscar on Medium:
While revising the fleets for other factions (and working on new stuff), I decided that the EDSC frigates were too small. Though meant to be cramped with spartan accommodations, they just looked out of scale. So I did a pass on them, bulking each up while retaining that long naval vessel look. #LEGO
Larry and I went to one of those machine necropolises that are so abundant nowadays to look for improvements for our transports. There, among all kinds of vehicles and machinery, we found these three having a heated debate about how important it is for them to take the scrap for their machinations. The medieval old man seemed to be the most mediating, while the egg-shaped guy and the woman from the wasteland looked like two lions fighting over a piece of meat. In the end we intervened and convinced them to join forces to build a vehicle for the five of us. I'm sure everything will turn out well and no one will try to take it by force after building it!
Bekanntester Klempner der Welt: Lego bringt Mario samt Kart als Set für 170 Euro #Lego #Nintendo #MarioKart
LEGO Mario Kart - Mario & Standard Kart Set Debuts
Some recent updates to #GOG games I've spotted, and will force you to read here while I think about playing them on my #SteamDeck:
Celebra el MAR10 DAY con el nuevo LEGO Super Mario: Mario Kart – Mario & Standard Kart Set