From a #LGBTQi+ human rights Justice working in a #Kenian refugee camp where ppl are starving.
I bet as a direct consequence of #tRump's demolition of #USAID. Keep your donation receipts to make him account for potential genocide in future.
#press #BlackMastodon #BreakingNews #ICC
They need to raise 600$ to assist.please spare anything #mutualaid
Remember the old BBC computers? Dr Sophie Wilson, one half of the duo that designed the BBC Microcomputer, is a trans women. As part of this work, she developed ARM microprocessors, without which we wouldn't have laptops, iPads, mobile phones, smart watches, etc etc.
Find out more about Sophie and her route into STEM:
This International Women's Day, we have another pioneering woman in STEM: Clara Barker is a physicist that does clever stuff with very very thin materials. She's also an advocate for LGBTQ+ people in STEM.
This article from Clara was written a couple of years ago, but is still incredibly relevant:
Another fantastic women in STEM to celebrate this International Women's Day: Dr Izzy Jayasinghe is an award winning scientist whose research is into super-resolution microscopy.
You can read an interview with Izzy at:
Happy International Women's Day everyone. We're going to be featuring some amazing women and their contributions to science and technology today, but first some reading to get the day started.
A piece that outlines how the attack on trans people's bodily autonomy is an attack on cis women's bodily autonomy too:
无政府主义女权主义不是简单的“性别平权”者 ——
𝖎𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖙: 本项目将在未来开设关于激进派/和异议社区内部如何处理和尽可能减少性暴力/侵犯行为及类似程度的人际冲突的专题,以及,对如何通过革命性的组织结构打破屏障以构建变革项目和合作的具体战术问题进行探讨。关于反渗透(避免抓特务式的混乱内讧)这一议题我们将放在今年的主要工作 “Phase II” 中作为一个专题出现。
𝓐 :…我觉得华人进步派社区还有很多基础级的功课需要做,比如,通过培训教会更多人如何把“女权”和妇联区分开、把团结和服从区分开、把辩论和捣乱区分开 …… 把性爱和剥削侵犯区分开…
𝓑 :有时候人们可能会奇怪一些性暴力/性骚扰受害者为什么会在很多年之后才说出真相,为什么她们不能在第一时间直接反击?有人认为她们害怕侵犯者的势力和威胁,这样认为的人就会倾向于相信米兔运动能够帮助受害者减轻恐惧。但事实上不完全是那样。一些侵犯者以虚构的爱情和伪装的政治共识来骗取对方信任,一次甚至多次侵犯后会继续假装恋爱关系足够长的时间,然后再慢慢甩掉。他们可以同时对多个人这样做。其中每个受害者都在很多年之后才会意识到自己被骗了…… 一直以来我们只是在普及如何反击,我觉得这是不够的……
𝓒 :说到反贼,我觉得很多人有误会。现如今窝在微信群聊里的某些人,不客气的说,仅仅是看清了党国的穷途末路想要转身押注下一个主子而已,他们心里最关注的东西是自己的股票行情、自家的不动产保值、鸡娃的竞争力、如何花最少的钱润出去然后在圈子里吹牛,而不是你们所想象的反抗运动,
Autist menstruist, do you perceive yourself as having a worse experience of menstruation than allistic people? #Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic #lgbtqi #trans
His transphobic executive orders are a direct attack on the rights and existence of transgender and nonbinary people. LGBTQ rights are human rights, and it’s more important than ever to stand together in support.
"Le pouls de l’#archive, c’est en nous qu’il bat, de #SamBourcier
Militant depuis plus de 20 ans pour l’ouverture du Centre
d’archives #LGBTQI+ Paris Île-de-France, Sam Bourcier nous propose une #philosophie de l’archive vivante, corporelle et collective. « On n’imagine pas tout ce que l’on peut faire avec des archives ! » Tel pourrait être le slogan d’une nouvelle #culture de l’archive #hyperdémocratique où nous sommes tou* des foyers d’archives et des archivacteur*. En pleine montée des violences en France et ailleurs, ce livre-#manifeste très documenté rend tangible l’importance de la rencontre avec les archives. Il prône la propagation de politiques publiques de la #mémoire et de luttes contre les discriminations qui reposent sur l’affirmation culturelle. Il révèle le rôle #biopolitique et épistémologique du #désir d’archive, à rebours de l’#hyperarchive #extractiviste du #capitalisme #numérique de contrôle.
Parution le 5 mars 2025
Living in a country where 'gender' is a forbidden word? Lost some of the Web? Make that content findable again and help us develop the #queer instance of our #decentralized #Web #search engine. Head over to and suggest content you want to preserve. #Archive links welcome.
PeARS is a #curated search engine. Each instance is dedicated to a particular topic and we encourage human-vetted content. is focused on informing the #LGBTQI+ community.
#Bellwether issues. I have no #political home - if I did, I would evaluate my political theory through loyalty to the programme. That's what I used to do.
Instead of that, I pick bellwether issues to judge my political relationship to other people and orgs. There are many to choose from, here are some of mine:
* #Migrants. My current main bellwether.
* #LGBTQI+. Used to be my gold standard issue, and is still very high up there.
* #Equality. Subsumes many other more specific items such as #women, #BIPOC, #billionaires, so break it down if you like.
* #Privacy.
* #Ukraine.
This is a mechanism to simplify things for myself. Point being, I can develop an internal detection system for figuring out how likely I will be allies with or enemies of another person or org, I just look for clues related to the bellwether. Easy.
The #UnitedStates’ war against #trans, #queer and #intersex people goes on.
On gov't pages, they mass-deleted information about trans people and also changed "#LGBTQI+" to "#LGB".
Very chilling: A section discussing discrimination of trans people in Russia was memory-holed as well.
These assholes KNOW the struggles but they sweep it under the rug and then they troll you with BS like "What discrimination are you talking about? Everyone's equal!
#法西斯主义 #无政府主义 #反抗 #移民 #LGBTQI #法律 #驱逐 #抗议 #华裔
#fascism #anarchism #resistance #immigration #LGBTQI #deportation #protests
Message for Americans:
Times are tough for many now, especially for migrants, #LGBTQI+ people, and people losing jobs. My thoughts are with you
#USpol #USpolitics
Maybe a song on this #JukeboxFridayNight #playlist from 3 January of #HelpingPeople will bring comfort?
HT @stevenixon who's pulled these #playlists together for JFN community.
UPDATE 3, Génocide trans, États-Unis, censure
UPDATE 2 L'ACOG, l'American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, héberge désormais tous les documents purgés.
UPDATE 3 Ce n'était qu'un échauffement. Place à la purge des sciences sociales. Toute mention d'un des mots de cette nouvelle liste plus large peut mener au retrait de vos subventions de recherche (voir liste attachée dans ce fil Bluesky)
Après avoir stoppé toute collaboration avec l'OMS, voilà que le CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, ou Centre de Contrôle et de Prévention des Maladies) version Trump retire en masse pour révision de tout article de recherche (déjà soumis inclus) mentionnant des termes interdits.
Les termes à gommer sont :
Nous y sommes.
Sauvez tout ce que vous pouvez sauver tant qu'ils sont encore en ligne.
Et rappelez-vous que grâce à Vincent Bolloré et les poursuites que lui opposent sa maison d'édition Hachette, nous pourrions bientôt être privés de The Internet Archive.
Donc sauvez tout, imprimez tout, foutez-moi ça dans des urnes scellées et cachées dans les déserts façon Nag Hammadi.
UPDATE L'ARCHIVE EXISTE et elle tient sur 98.5 GB :