Moon status: Hey, someone took half the moon. What the heck
Moon status: Definitely starting to look a bit darker on one side.
"A total lunar eclipse will flush the moon red Thursday night into Friday morning across the Western Hemisphere."
@AssociatedPress reports: "The best views will be from North America and South America. Parts of Africa and Europe may catch a glimpse."
"For the second time in less than a week, a privately built U.S. spacecraft will attempt to land on the moon."
NBC News reports on the robotic lander, dubbed Athena, developed by the Texas-based company Intuitive Machines:
In light of the Blue Ghost landing this weekend, @AssociatedPress looks at the history of lunar landings.
"The moon is littered with wreckage from failed landings over the years. A rundown on the moon’s winners and losers."
The #KrononautMoon Project is an ongoing series of community experiments to contact #TimeTravelers — as "in-person", but more likely via #quantum #signal. The next attempt is coming up soon on 14 Mar 2025 — under the #TotalLunarEclipse — wherever you are. These outreaches are sometimes referred to as "landing receptions", but call them or redesign them however you like. Following is a brief, all-true #chronology of such #events, going back 40+ years. The excerpt is from our detailed #article on
❛❛ #Future #intelligences would have the necessary transport #technology that is not yet existent in our #world. To date, there have been 5 recorded attempts of this method, with the most famous one devised by the late #theoretical #physicist #StephenHawking, in #Cambridge #UK on 2009 Jun 28.
Hawking referred to his get-together as a “reception”—what we now think of as a version type 1.0. His champagne toast to “tourists from the future” was, by no means, not the first of the prototypes, however, because it was staged years after 3 similar experimental attempts — stationed in different #countries and unrelated to each other. The professor’s cheeky soirée occurred four years after a rollicking party that was thrown for “Inhabitants of the Future” at Forrest Place, #Perth #AU, on 2005 Mar 31. Then, a few months later, an equally festive #TimeTraveler #Convention was hosted at #MIT — The #Massachusetts Institute of Technology, #Cambridge #MA #US, on 2005 May 07. These elaborate productions were preceded by a full two decades, back when a group identifying itself as the #Krononauts assembled in #Baltimore #MD #US (alt. spelling: #Chrononauts). That seminal event, which was covered by a #NewYorkTimes reporter, happened at a downtown #bookstore, under the light of a #FullMoon, and a multi-planetary #syzygy, on 1982 Mar 09.
More recently, in the spring of 2023, a dogged #podcaster for and, published a riveting and droll #audio recounting of Baltimore’s Krononauts gathering, and then gave the concept a uniquely personal #experimental spin, noting the time and #GPS #coordinates. The effort successfully demonstrated that a single individual can attempt extra-temporal #contact on one’s own, equipped with little more than a #public #library #bench, and can meaningfully contribute to the corpus of #Community #Time #Travel #Research. ❜❜
On 2025 Mar 14, join your #friends, fellow #Mastodonians, and #TimeTravelers for an evening of #peace, #love, and #cosmic #tranquility, wherever you are.
Monday is January's #FullMoon — the #WolfMoon.
It's now exactly 2 #lunar cycles to the #TotalLunarEclipse on 2025 Mar 14, the Night of the #KrononautMoon, and our invitation to #TimeTravelers to come visit or send us a #quantum #signal. (To be followed by 2 more Total Lunar Eclipses in the next year!)
Here's our extended version #Checklist for the Night of the Krononaut Moon, a celebration of Time Travel. (Original post located here:
How does a #Lunar #Eclipse Work?
#Nasa: ❛❛ When the Moon passes through the #Earth's #shadow, it causes the #Moon to look very unusual for a short period of time. This event is called a #LunarEclipse ❜❜
@KronoMoon: Most Lunar Eclipses are not #Total. When one is, as on 2025 Mar 14, we call it a #KrononautMoon, and we invite #TimeTravelers to come visit.
So, it's (some still have it coming) New Years.
The #Chuvash, like many #Asian peoples (not only Asian, of course), used to use the #lunar and then the luni-solar year cycle. Depending on the cycle, there were 12 or 13 months in a year. But that's not what I'm talking about right now.
Some time ago Chuvash people used to give names to the years in the form of animals. You can see it, for example, in the #Chinese #calendar.
There are fragmentary information about the names of such years in the 17th and 18th centuries. But in 1962 in Bashkortostan in the village of Shlanly, Aurgazinsky district, Artemyeva's notes were found, which were kept by her and her ancestors since 1852, taking into account the years.
Looking ahead, I can say that some of the names of the years, matches the Chinese calendar, from the very first records in the 19th century. This may be due to the long-standing neighbourhood, back in the times when the Huns were neighbours of China. Or maybe not. There is no reliable information.
So. From 1852 down, the following years went by:
1. Кушаккайӑк/Kushakkajӑk - Mouse
2. Ӗне/Ӗne - Cow
3. Парӑс/Parӑs - Bars/Leopard
4. Мулкач/Mulkach - Hare
5. Арӑслан/Arӑslan - Lion
6. Ҫӗлен/Şӗlen - Snake
7. Ут/Ut - Horse
8. Сурӑх/Surӑh - Sheep
9. Пӗҫин/Pӗşin - Monkey
10. Чӑх/Chӑh - Chicken
11. Йытӑ/Jytӑ - Dog
12. Сысна/Sysna - Pig
Thus, the previous year was the year of the #Lion and the coming year is the year of the #Snake. Amazing matches with the Chinese calendar.
Even more surprising is that like the Chinese calendar, there are similarities with Yin and Yang. However, the Chuvashs have a little more complicated: harvest or not harvest year, rich or poor, good or bad. And with the addition of the 60-year cycle, there are also predictions about events, there may be famine or war, calm or not so calm, and etc.
#chuvash_language #chuvash_culture #turkic_culture #asian_culture #newyer #2025
Title: Lunar: Sanposuru Gakuen
Released: 1996-01-12
Platforms: Game Gear
#Lunar:SanposuruGakuen #GameGear #Retrogames
Title: Lunar: Sanposuru Gakuen
Released: 1996-01-12
Platforms: Game Gear
#Lunar:SanposuruGakuen #GameGear #Retrogames
Title: Lunar: Sanposuru Gakuen
Released: 1996-01-12
Platforms: Game Gear
#Lunar:SanposuruGakuen #GameGear #Retrogames
"Volcanoes were erupting on the mysterious far side of the moon billions of years ago just like on the side that we can see, new research confirms."
@AssociatedPress reports: "Researchers analyzed lunar soil brought back by China’s Chang’e-6, the first spacecraft to return with a haul of rocks and dirt from the little-explored far side."