Here’s Why Bad Sleep and Toxic Thoughts Go Hand-in-Hand
Findings reveal the memory-related brain processes that generate unwanted thoughts when people are sleep deprived
The “intriguing” new study suggests a key role that REM sleep seems to play in maintaining adequate memory control, says Zara Bergström, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Kent in England, who was not involved in the work. She adds, however, that “it will be necessary for future research to manipulate REM sleep directly” to confirm whether it does have a causal role in controlling memories and thoughts.
“Interventions that enhance REM sleep could become part of the therapy for disorders that are characterized by intrusive memories, like post-traumatic stress disorder,” she says. This type of response might also be attempted for acute trauma—a possible preventive measure to ensure that toxic memories and flashbacks never emerge at all.
#sleep #dreams #memory #REM