Curious about
that poster which had been presented by Hannah Hillen, Thoth's Metadata and Publisher Outreach Specialist, at #ChsConf2024 last week?
We've got you covered!
The digital version is available on Zenodo, and showcases the variety of dissemination channels that #OAbooks publishers such as @OpenBookPublish and punctum books are able to use thanks to Thoth's #opendata #metadata , dissemination and #archiving services 
#openinfras #MetadataMatters
By the by, did you know? All book metadata released via Thoth - incl. records in MARC21, MARCXML, ONIX 3.0, ONIX 2.1, KBART, Crossref XML, json, etc. - are released under a CC0 #publicdomain dedication to avoid lock-in of publishers' high-quality metadata 
van Gerven Oei, V. W. J., Hillen, H., Snyder, L. O., Steiner, T., & Uziel, L. (2024). Open Access, Open Metadata, Open Archiving: Liberating Metadata Flows across the OA Landscape (1.0). The Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13960036
ZenodoOpen Access, Open Metadata, Open Archiving: Liberating Metadata Flows across the OA LandscapeNow that open access is rapidly becoming the mainstream mode of publishing scholarly publications, including monographs and edited collections, integrating open metadata management into book production workflows, library cataloging systems, and long-term preservation solutions is gaining importance and urgency. This poster showcases the metadata workflow of a collection of small and scholar-led publishers, through the usage of Thoth Open Metadata, a non-profit open source platform providing innovative metadata management and distribution solutions tailored to tackle the problems of getting Open Access works into the book supply chain, ensuring their long-term sustainability and accessibility. We show how metadata are ingested, managed, and exported to a variety of platforms including, but not limited to, OAPEN, DOAB, JSTOR, and the Open Book Collective; how DOIs get auto-registered with Crossref for books and chapters alike; and how publications are archived in open repositories such as the Internet Archive and Zenodo through the Thoth Open Archiving Network, a novel, open, transparent and auditable alternative to long-term sustainable archiving.