And now we interrupt the live streamed horrors of this world with some hardcore astronomy.
Astrum: *Gaia Discovered Hidden Galaxies INSIDE Our Milky Way*
And now we interrupt the live streamed horrors of this world with some hardcore astronomy.
Astrum: *Gaia Discovered Hidden Galaxies INSIDE Our Milky Way*
On the cover of Science Magazine this week
Interstellar Dust: Mapping dust properties in the Milky Way
Credit image: ESO/Serge Brunier
Dark matter...
Cosmic Anomaly at the Center of the Milky Way Could Reveal the Secrets of an Invisible Universe
#darkmatter #anomaly
Most powerful cosmic rays in the universe start shockingly close to Earth, paper claims
The most powerful cosmic rays in the universe currently have no explanation. New research suggests that exotic, self-annihilating particles in our own galaxy may hold the answer.
NOIRLab image of the week
Gemini North Under a Blanket of Airglow
Release date: Feb. 26, 2025
Full credits and details: https://noirlab.edu/public/images/iotw2509a/
I took the liberty to upload its panorama version in this interactive 360° app, give it a spin, it's beautiful: https://www.360cities.net/image/gemini-north-under-a-blanket-of-airglow-360-panorama/vr
Guess who forgot to pack their tripod and ultra-wide lens?
So this is two 35mm shots with the camera balanced on a stool, held up on an angle with my phone (on its side) and the phone stand for the higher angle, then stitched in Lightroom.
Not great by any means, but who can resist a bit of milky way when you're in a dark area?
Things move fast in the Milky Way. About 24,000 light-years from Earth, a peculiar pair of objects appears to be hurtling through space at a speed of at least 1.2 million MPH. @ScienceAlert has more:
Astronomers have discovered a black hole jet that erupted into existence when the universe was less than 1.2 billion years old, or roughly 9% its current age. The jet spans 200,000 light-years — twice the width of the Milky Way. "We were amazed, but also skeptical, so we made sure to assemble all the evidence before publishing this work," research lead Anniek Gloudemans said. Read more at @LiveScience
Star Trails ABC Open contributor Benjamin Ewerns and Sophie Colvin #StarTrails #NightSky #Astrophotography #LongExposure #Stars #Galaxy #Cosmos #Sky #Photography #Nature #Universe #Celestial #Space #Stargazing #Reflections #NightPhotography #Scenic #MilkyWay #DarkSky #Astronomy
#astrophotography folks! Show me your coolest #aurora #photography.
This one was taken at The Hazards on Tasmania’s east coast. I drove about 800km in 24 hours to make this photo happen.
Canon 5D Mark IV, SIGMA ART 24mm f/1.4, Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini.
One large Milky Way galaxy or many galaxies? 100 years ago, a young Edwin Hubble settled astronomy’s "Great Debate."
NOIRLab image of the week
Dust and Dark Energy above CTIO
Credit: CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Horálek (Institute of Physics in Opava)
Release date: Jan. 22, 2025
milky way rise above the distant storms…