Catholic News Agency: A Vatican video game? New Minecraft edition has students restore St. Peter’s Basilica. “Minecraft, the popular video game known for its blocky, pixelated graphics, has launched a new educational edition that challenges students to explore and restore St. Peter’s Basilica.”
"To maintain this charade, they have brandished the Bible like a cudgel, bludgeoning poor people, people of color, the Indigenous, women, LGBTQ+ people, and others with tales of their supposed sinfulness meant to distract, demean, divide, and dispossess."
#religion #politics #ChristianNationalism #race #gender #Trump #evangelicals #MaleEntitlement #heterosexism #WhiteSupremacy #LGBTQ #women
"The battle of theologies taking place right now is anything but a new phenomenon, even if it’s at an inflection point, with life-and-death consequences for our democracy, Christianity itself, and those who are God’s greatest concern."
~ Liz Theoharis
#religion #politics #ChristianNationalism #race #gender #Trump #evangelicals #MaleEntitlement #heterosexism
I'm pretty sure Christianity is a 2000-year-old conspiracy to hide and distort the words of Anarchist Puppygirl, Jesus of Nazareth
Was haben #Demokratiebildung und #Religion miteinander zu tun?
Ein Gespräch über rassismuskritische Bildung
Die Leiterin des Hessischen Kompetenzzentrums Rassismus und Antisemitismus in der Migrationsgesellschaft, Muniba Kalohn, berichtet wie jüdisch-muslimische Begegnungen und Bündnisse gegen Diskriminierung an der @BSAnneFrank in Frankfurt umgesetzt und Wissen zu #Antisemitismus und antimuslimischem Rassismus vermittelt wird.
#DBSAktionswoche #Bildung
The right dominates the online media ecosystem, seeping into sports, comedy, and other supposedly nonpolitical spaces
#RWNJ #Media #Sports #Comedy #Politics #Religion #Audience
This is good and right. "If you want religion in schools, I want the IRS in churches."
@ct_Magazin Es existiert so etwas wie eine „Seele“ nicht! … #religion #religioten
Hi #Mastodon! I am so glad to be here. #introduction
I am a #Lightworker and #spiritual #activist. My interests include: the #environment , #politics, #society, #equality , #justice , #acceptance , #trans and #women #rights, plus #religion (all kinds).
I'd like to use #Light and #healing to restore balance to #America .
I believe strongly that we must accept one another and work toward compromise to move our country forward. These days of #hate and #Darkness must end.
El Dalai Lama, de 89 años y que perdió el hermano hace nada, indica que su reencarnación no nacerá en #China
#Tibet #budismo #religión #noticias
Dipl.-Bibliothekar*in (m/w/d), (Bachelor LIS) für das Sachgebiet „Bestandskoordinierung“, Vollzeit (Teilzeit möglich), EG 10 TVöD, unbefristet in, 30810-1594 |*in-Bachelor-LIS |
#Bestand #Bibliothek #E10 #Hannover #Literatur #Projekt #Religion #unbefristest #Vollzeit
#Greek Far-Right MP Vandalises 'Blasphemous' Exhibit at National Gallery
A far-right MP who has been arrested for vandalising a temporary exhibition in the National Gallery in Athens said he did it because the artworks insulted the #Christian #religion.
Österreich ist religiös christlich und das macht sich auch darin bemerkbar, dass Krankenhäuser im Land legale Schwangerschaftsabbrüche den Frauen verweigern.
Repression gegen Frauen im modernen #europa!
#religion als Waffe, als Diskriminierung.
Jeder Austritt zählt! ...
Afghan Survivors Speak Out: What The #Taliban Does To Imprisoned Women
In this video, she talks about what just happened to her when she posted on social media about attending her first Ash Wednesday service now that she has shifted to a mainline Protestant church.
When she made her posting about attending an Ash Wednesday service, militant atheists came out of the woodwork and began viciously attacking her.
#AshWednesday #religion #atheism #evangelicals #fundamentalism
Holly Berkley Fletcher grew up the daughter of Southern Baptist missionaries in Africa. Her book The Missionary Kids: Unmasking the Myths of White Evangelicalism will come out this August.
Holly has long since broken with the stifling anti-intellectual repressive world of Christian fundamentalism with which she grew up.
#AshWednesday #religion #atheism #evangelicals #fundamentalism