And one more word about those Righteous Gentiles. After the Holocaust, psychologists began to study them to figure out what made them courageously agree to hide Jews while the majority went along with tyranny. Maybe they were friends with Jews before the war? Maybe they had spare rooms or extra savings tucked away? Maybe some people just come wired with an altruistic personality?
Nope. The psychologists found that none of these factors made the difference. Instead, as Bregman recounts in his book:
Turns out there was one circumstance that determined almost everything. A new analysis of data … showed that when this condition was met, nearly everyone took action — 96 percent to be precise.
And what was that condition?
Simple: you had to be asked. Those who were asked to help someone in danger almost always said yes.
Asking things of each other and acting together is how we move unjust systems. So go ahead.
Reach out to someone. Ask.