Mid-week Sonic Racing Transformed, let's gooo! https://www.twitch.tv/lexizone
#Envtuber #Vtuber #LGBTuber #Furry #LGTBQIA+ #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic #Sega #Live #Twitch #SonicAndAllStarsRacingTransformed #RacingGame
Pick a Team! Each has a Speed, Flight, and Power character. You can switch with just the press of a button, or stay as the same one through the whole level.
As you play your other teammates cheer you on, banter with each other, and even offer tips!
#SonictheHedgehog #FanGame #IndieGames #Gameplay #AU #SonicConnection
Even though we finished World Tour, we're still playing some more Sonic & All-Starts Racing Transformed today! https://www.twitch.tv/lexizone
#Envtuber #Vtuber
#LGBTuber #Furry #LGTBQIA+ #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic #Sega #Live #Twitch #Sonic&AllStarsRacingTransformed #RacingGame
The expression Knuckles’ sprite shows when he’s falling always makes me laugh.
Let's play some more Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed! https://www.twitch.tv/lexizone
#Envtuber #Vtuber
#LGBTuber #Furry #LGTBQIA+ #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic #Sega #Live #Twitch #Sonic&AllStarsRacingTransformed #RacingGame
It seems people are upset that Sonic was given a new skin in Sonic Rumble that makes him "officer Sonic."
Sorry y'all, but Sonic has been a cop before (Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car) and not only that, he's a fucking monarchist (Sonic 06). Your fav is problematic bestie.
[P] This was fun to watch...
What is it about Sonic? If there's one thing that Sonic really exemplifies? It's the acceptance of all kinds of dissimilarity. It doesn't matter whether one's a slow-talking big fellah looking for his frog, a robot who's broken the shackles of his programming, an edgelord with alien DNA, or a confused boy from the future. There's no baseline of "Normal" for Sonic. Never was.
#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign #sonicthehedgehog
It's time for more Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed! https://www.twitch.tv/lexizone
#Envtuber #Vtuber
#LGBTuber #Furry #LGTBQIA+ #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic #Sega #Live #Twitch #Sonic&AllStarsRacingTransformed #RacingGame
Another stream, another chance to play Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. It's getting hard! https://www.twitch.tv/lexizone
#Envtuber #Vtuber
#LGBTuber #Furry #LGTBQIA+ #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic #Sega #Live #Twitch #Sonic&AllStarsRacingTransformed #RacingGame
Streaming more Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed! https://www.twitch.tv/lexizone
#Envtuber #Vtuber
#LGBTuber #Furry #LGTBQIA+ #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic #Sega #Live #Twitch #Sonic&AllStarsRacingTransformed #RacingGame
Stay tuned for more character art, level designs, brand new Badniks, bosses and more! Next week: the plot thickens!
#SonictheHedgehog #Fangame #videogames #Tails #MilesPrower #TailstheFox #SonicConnection
It's a typical lazy day, but something's wrong. Tails hurries to find Sonic with alarming information. The dimensions are crossing again! Last time this happened, a great calamity almost took place. Sonic, always up for an adventure, and to save the day again, runs to the rescue!
#SonicTheHedgehog #Tails #MilesTailsPrower #TailsTheFox #Videogame #fangame #SonicConnection #draftart
Boost if all these years later hearing that accelerating "Sonic is drowning" theme still stresses you out.