I say, I say there's a new Bad Mech article up! Listen to me when I'm talking to you, son. The Cougar...yeah...seems perfectly fine until it gets shot at.
Read it here:
I say, I say there's a new Bad Mech article up! Listen to me when I'm talking to you, son. The Cougar...yeah...seems perfectly fine until it gets shot at.
Read it here:
You can find a large random selection of open source #TTRPG resources on our site now for easy reference. Borrowed from the Forever Open Source game jam series I host every year.
Anyone has any starting tips or quests or something for a family that never, ever, has done #DungeonsAndDragons?
My intention is to hook them up. Forever.
@hackshack presents Barlock's Guide to Good Grub on the Go, the essential companion for players of Luncheons & Dragons. Move over, Prancing Pony Inn; fantasy food trucks are the new toast of the town. Food with bite! https://l.d20.ninja/3w89z87z #Kickstarter #TabletopGames #DungeonsAndDragons #FantasyFood #CriticalSausageRoll
Hey #TTRPGCommunity, what’s an indie #TTRPG you’ve discovered recently that deserves more love? Share the title, creator, and what makes it special!
Let’s spread the word and inspire each other!
You can find a large random selection of open source #TTRPG resources on our site now for easy reference. Borrowed from the Forever Open Source game jam series I host every year.
50% off Lucid Eye's Jim Fitzpatrick miniatures this weekend! Steve Salah's sculpts bring the art to life with heroes worthy of Nuada's silver arm, not those mass-produced tourist trinkets with badly painted Celtic knots. https://l.d20.ninja/bdfufxuu #JimFitzpatrick #LucidEye #Celtic #Miniatures #TabletopGames #Wargaming
You can find a large random selection of open source #TTRPG resources on our site now for easy reference. Borrowed from the Forever Open Source game jam series I host every year.
Crooked Dice answers nature's call with their new Warriors of the Wild set! Featuring a heroic trio - the buff hero, the svelte leading lady + the obligatory tiger. Channel your inner 80s fantasy hero. https://l.d20.ninja/z9p3f9ur #CrookedDice #WarriorsOfTheWild #TabletopGames #Miniatures #FantasyGaming
@slightreckgames [bird.makeup] bring two new expansions for their Rōnin RPG. Donetsu and The Book of Yo - myths, mystics, and more than a touch of the macabre. Get on the Kickstarter for the TTRPG starter set! https://l.d20.ninja/yckussrm #RoninRPG #TabletopGames #Kickstarter #SlightlyRecklessGames #FantasyGaming
Game Night: CULTivate
This isn't a picture of the CULT-ivate board game. It's my cat, Midnight, helping me to play "The Plucky Squire". He was really getting into it.
SBG Editions are dusting off Cursed Empire for a new Kickstarter—a mere 20 years since edition two. Get back into the rich world of Thargos with expanded lore and some shiny new miniatures https://l.d20.ninja/2862zmta #CursedEmpire #SBGEDITIONS #RPG #TabletopGames #DarkFantasy
We catch up with Steve Blease of Wessex Games as he revives the beloved Panzerfäuste with 3D-printed magic! From British orc redcoats to Italian rats, it's a melange of fantastical mechanised madness. Find out more at https://l.d20.ninja/38yyypdd #Panzerfauste #WessexGames #TabletopGames #Miniatures #Wargaming #TabletopSentinel
You can find a large random selection of open source #TTRPG resources on our site now for easy reference. Borrowed from the Forever Open Source game jam series I host every year.
Malifaux: “New Crew” League, Week 1
The local gaming store is running a league this spring for new players or for players who want to play a crew they've never played before.
You can find a large random selection of open source #TTRPG resources on our site now for easy reference.
Bonus #MondayFunday question: What's your favorite SRD or open licensed RPG?