The new issue of Worlds of IF Science Fiction is out. It features a beautiful cover art "Out of an Amber Sky" by Rodney Matthews. An essay with a Lovecraftian title: "From Deep Darkness Came Murmurs of Awakening", by yours truly. And much more.
The new issue of Worlds of IF Science Fiction is out. It features a beautiful cover art "Out of an Amber Sky" by Rodney Matthews. An essay with a Lovecraftian title: "From Deep Darkness Came Murmurs of Awakening", by yours truly. And much more.
#scifi good news: after Métal Hurlant, Worlds of IF, and Galaxy SF, it's now Heavy Metal that is going to relaunch
Here's an astronomy quiz, published in 1955 in the Worlds of IF Science Fiction pulp magazine.
Check out its free reissue in webzine format: https://worldsofifmagazine.com/webzine-reissues
(answers to the quiz below)
In any case, I've fought through the challenge of reading the PDF on my ebook reader and this first issue of the reboot is very good. Good stories and the science article was excellent.
I'm looking forward to the next issue.
I remember buying the last issue from the magazine stand back in 1974.
Love the subversive cover art of this 1955 issue of the Worlds of IF science fiction magazine, featuring art by Kelly Freas. It could have easily made the cover of Métal Hurlant, a.k.a Heavy Metal, back in the days of its outrageous 70s era
Worlds of IF has just been relaunched, check it out: https://worldsofifmagazine.com/
I was a big fan of Métal Hurlant, to see it revived by the folks at Humanoïdes Associés is such a treat. And now another cult science fiction magazine has relaunched, for us to discover or rediscover: Worlds of IF
Tau Zero, Bob Eggleton's masterpiece, makes the cover of the Worlds of IF Science Fiction Magazine
This new issue of the venerable magazine offers a blend of scifi litterature and art, including stunning artworks by Rodney Matthews and Bruce Pennington.
The venerable Worlds of IF science fiction magazine is going to relaunch soon!
... in the meantime, here is a selection of vintage covers, where some astronomical objects are beautifully depicted.
Fabulous. I mean F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. cover revealed for the relaunch’s inaugural issue of Worlds of IF, featuring Bob Eggleton's artwork.
Locus Magazine on the Worlds of IF Revival
https://locusmag.com/2023/10/worlds-of-if-revival/ @Locusmag
Worlds of IF launches again Feb. 2024