'Shocker under ice': 6,000-year-old trees found where no forest should exist
A 6000-year-old forest emerged from melting ice in Wyoming, revealing ancient climate shifts while warning of modern global warming's rapid and dangerous
F them.
Via WaPo:
#Wyoming Republican lawmakers on Wednesday voted a bill into law that will require women seeking medication #abortions to undergo an ultrasound first, overriding the GOP governor’s veto.
Two people in US hospitalized with bird flu, #CDC reports
#Wyoming woman still in hospital while #Ohio man released after facing ‘#respiratory and #NonRespiratory symptoms’
"Both patients experienced 'respiratory and non-respiratory symptoms', the report said, without detailing those symptoms.
Melody Schreiber
Mon 24 Feb 2025
"An 'older' woman from Platte county, Wyoming, was hospitalized in another state, according to a statement from the Wyoming department of health. She 'has health conditions that can make people more vulnerable to illness', the statement says.
"The woman was exposed to #poultry in a #BackyardFlock that tested positive for H5N1, the CDC report said, adding that she remained hospitalized at the time of the report.
"A man in Mercer county, Ohio, was infected while depopulating, or killing, H5N1-positive poultry at a commercial facility, according to a statement from the Ohio department of health.
"The man has been discharged from the hospital 'and is now recovering at home', the CDC report said."
Read more:
#HPAINews #HPAI #BirdFlu #H5N1 #AvianInfluenza
They can dish it out but they can't take it.
Video shows a constitutent calling an amab Republican "Madam Chairman" because they voted that no one can be forces to use preferred pronouns.
Endless small flakes.
It has been snowing here all day. They say it's supposed to keep this up until 5pm tomorrow.
Contrary to every other forecast they give us, they're almost never wrong about how long our snow storms last.
Instead of the gym for exercise tomorrow, I guess we'll be flinging snow.
I'm trying to remember why I thought it was a good idea to retire somewhere that still has all four seasons.
Devil's Tower, Wyoming at Sunrise.
How dumb are we?
The answer is plenty; we're plenty dumb here in the Cowboy state.
Cranky about last year's court ruling declaring the state's abortion ban unconstitutional, our legislature is hard at work trying to get a new law on the books.
Slight problem, the bill will also (unintentionally) ban life-saving treatments like chemotherapy.
The Scathing Atheist Podcast, February 6th, 2025
@Climatehistories If they can live in #Wyoming then they have a home on my property cause I sure could use a lot of help gardening!
Fountain Paint Pots
Yellowstone National Park / Park County, Wyoming, USA; traditional territory of the Newe Sogobia (Eastern Shoshone), Shoshone-Bannock, Tséstho’e (Cheyenne), and Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla nations / Original 360° photos at https://www.SouthernMinnesotaGuy.com
Fountain Paint Pots
Yellowstone National Park / Park County, Wyoming, USA; traditional territory of the Newe Sogobia (Eastern Shoshone), Shoshone-Bannock, Tséstho’e (Cheyenne), and Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla nations / Original 360° photos at https://www.SouthernMinnesotaGuy.com
Fountain Paint Pots
Yellowstone National Park / Park County, Wyoming, USA; traditional territory of the Newe Sogobia (Eastern Shoshone), Shoshone-Bannock, Tséstho’e (Cheyenne), and Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla nations / Original 360° photos at https://www.SouthernMinnesotaGuy.com