If you design experiments with users I want you to take this idea seriously. Today I seem to be involved in an A/B test that slightly changes a color scheme in a way that looks broken. I have #ADHD. We goof around here, but ADHD is classified as a disability *for a reason*. This has wasted an hour of my time so far trying to understand why this little detail of my environment, that I physically cannot ignore, is different. I kinda have a guess now, but it is still bothering me. I can't focus.
"nycki, what do your adhd meds actually do?"
okay have you ever had one of those wobbly cables that you have to plug in a few times before it starts charging your phone
imagine if it worked the first time.
When you have #ADHD, there are a thousand different ways your brain wants to go. This year, I've been trying to stick to a schedule of limiting it to 7 different #art and creative targets, which is still a lot, but last year it was up to 12 and the goals were amorphous at best.
This is one of the 7 targets. I've reached a personal milestone where, for the first time, I have all my characters 100% fleshed out. I thought it'd take a year at most; it took me 3.
Look, I know objectively Twizzlers are terrible, but subjectively they are amazing, even if they might be the reason I have ADHD.
Not me wanting to pick up mobile app development so I can build my own Food Rescue app.
These apps have very basic functionality. I've looked at a couple now. From open source apps to multi-thousand dollar a year apps designed by "non-profits". I think I could make a better one.
Only issue would be backend server processing and space... it wouldn't be a lot. Just a database.
I could do this...
Hashtag: I haven't really thought this through
y'all, I got my due date for the electric bill extended to the 26th but I have to pay in full by then
I need $1150 to pay them
if you can spare anything, please help, my autistic child, my two disabled partners, and me all depend on it
I'm really at a loss, please help
Here's a little executive function tip based on my Splines Theory.
If you're having trouble starting a complicated and boring task, give yourself time to "load the splines." Splines are just my silly word representing the fact that ADHD and autistic people are more detail-oriented. We have a hard time accessing an idea by its summary, and need to think about the whole system with all its parts (splines) in order to grapple it. This takes time and energy.
But the good news is, reticulating splines is mostly a passive activity. First step, the hardest, is communicating to your brain about what it needs to load.
A few hours ago when I started gathering paperwork for taxes, I felt incredibly overwhelmed and my chronic pain was activated. So I pushed myself to kinda get started (updating my list from last year, opening the email folder, creating some folders on my computer), but then I hit a wall. Under intense overwhelm, I couldn't get started turning those emails into PDFs.
But my brain knows what it needs to do. It just needed time. I entered my passive splines reticulating phase, which can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Since I only have a week to get this to my CPA, the sooner I started the loading process, the better. Most of that happens in the background. The hardest part was telling my brain to start, which I did by giving a glance to the body of details I will need to absorb.
Then I went did a couple of hours of paid writing work which my brain normally expects on a Monday (so that went easier). And then back to taxes to see if things were flowing better.
And they are! I still hate it! But now my mind has an understanding of the task and it doesn't seem impossible.
I will work on it until I feel sick and foggy again, then I will pick up tomorrow where I expect it to go even more smoothly.
Here's my 2013 post on Splines Theory of neurodiverse executive function.
#taxes #ADHD #ActuallyAutistic #pacing #MECFS
busybee: fluffy rambles: I'm fine BTW https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/1834-Im-fine-BTW #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Medications #Vertigo #Anxiety #Blog #ADHD
Taxes are like a signal jammer on my brain.
Abuse Culture project is on hold, mid-transfer of notes from Mastodon, which is just insane that I decided to start that when my accountant needs my tax paperwork in like a week. Trying hard to put a pin in that in such a way I'll find my place again.
(I've decided not to tax strike because, well, Idaho is holding my health insurance hostage. I can't even file an extension under threat of unaffordable medical care. Drat and I was all ready to go back to my Taxes Are Theft libertarian roots!)
Head is full of static now and I barely even got started gathering receipts. There's no noise here baby, it's all signal. But it's 15 HAM operators, two industrial and dubstep stations, and the NOAA weather report all talking on the same channel.
Anyhow, clocking into paid writing work now where I don't even know what what
I’m sure Peter Hitchens writes vile stuff in the Daily Fail most weeks, but this has belatedly caught my eye from a few days ago.
He’s decided that #Dyslexia and #ADHD don’t exist.
He’s blaming parents and teachers for not teaching kids how to read.
A quick online search reveals he’s been spouting this pet theory since the mid noughties.
Zero evidence. Just spite.
busybee: fluffy rambles: Jinxfexxor https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/6775-Jinxfexxor #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Medications #Vertigo #Anxiety #Blog #ADHD
Scientists led by a team from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have found a "strong link" between Western-style diets and neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The researchers' analysis also "identifies specific nutrients and foods that could serve as the foundation for improved dietary guidelines and preventative strategies," says food scientist David Horner. Read more at @ScienceAlert:
I just realised that my balance and posture problems cease to exist when I take my ADHD meds
Googles it
busybee: fluffy rambles: Effexor https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/8822-Effexor #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Vertigo #Anxiety #Blog #ADHD
Neurodivergent people have always been there (we just weren't 'looking' before)
The idea that the neurodiversity is a 'recent development' and hasn't been shaping all of human society forever is as wrong as it is unhelpful
My latest post explains
what if... neurotypicals and neurospicy people are the remnants of archaic subspecies? What would a neurospicy tribal encampment have looked like before it got swamped by the waves of migrating neurotypicals? #actuallyAutistic #dyslexia #adhd