56KBPS?! That's madness. That defies the Shannon Limit. No good can come of this.
56KBPS?! That's madness. That defies the Shannon Limit. No good can come of this.
What github would I submit an issue to for an issue that affects the #GameGear #FPGA on the #analogue #pocket? Is there a "default" core that runs when you run it off cartridge that's different from if I load in an emu? Issue is in both, fwiw, so it has to be the FPGA (save corrupts it) not my cart or rom
Nobody seems familiar with my problem so maybe it only affects shining force, but it's 100% consistent and very frustrating
Been poking around at various retro games on my #analogue #pocket looking for something else to try.
It really is striking how many games back then let you name your main character...but made *absolutely certain* you were a guy and that they reminded you multiple times throughout the intro that you were a male and referred to with male pronouns.
I'm sure it wasn't even intentional but the expectations were simply that deep. Esp in Japanese games.
#analogue #pocket #retrogaming question:
Well no one seems familiar with my issue (Sleep/save states break Shining Force, to the point that waking from sleep erases CART SAVES. Physical cart. Very scary.)
Is there any way to completely disable the sleep feature for a bit or something? I can't play an RPG-length game with a physical kill switch I'm habituated to pressing when I'm done playing
Saving seems fine, but if it loads a save--game glitches, all physical saves erased. Disapointed
fuck. Accidentally put my #analogue #pocket to sleep. wiped the on-cart saves of my #ShiningForce at battle 9.
Very disappointed, only game it's done it on but, this is a physical cart with an official adapter...
Not sure what to do, might idk find a save file and finish it on PC or something.
Are all GG games broke? They should really disable the feature if it doesn't work, it does on other save-unsupported cores
Seems even with physical hardware the #GameGear FPGA does not (safely) support save states? Like they work but it instantly glitches out and even wipes physical on-board saves. It's all up to date ran pocket sync last week
On an obviously related note, I started playing #ShiningForce sword of...something, on cart.
#nowplaying #pokemon TCG GB 2 (translation hack) on my #Analogue Pocket!
It's very much like Pokemon gen 2 in that they've included the whole map of the first game and I believe all the cards, but with a whole new map and more cards!
Highly recommend, a far, far better experience than any modern electronic version of the card game.
#retrogaming: Suggest stuff for me to play on my #Analogue #Pocket, ideally portable games but the FGPA thing supports most things older/simpler than PS1
Short and sweet would be ideal, also need a good #Pokemon game, ideally a QOL hack for gen 3 or gen 1 remakes might be fun? Had an absolute blast with Polished Crystal a bit over a year ago
_Secret of Evermore_ played from an original NTSC cart via an #Analogue Super NT on a Samsung S90D #OLED TV. This is the rare 90s #SNES RPG whose original script is in English because it was developed by Square’s USA team #Nintendo #SquareEnix #RetroGames #RetroGaming #VideoGames #VideoGaming #16Bit
Why did I commit to playing #PhantasyStar 1 the grind is nuts.
Think I'm over half way and it really does look damn good for it's year. Very grindy and expects you to have maps or make them.
This grimy #SNES cartridge, which my dad found in his shed and which I cleaned and then tried out on an #Analogue Super NT, easily fetches over $100 even without the box or manual. I wouldn’t bet on a remake due to the cowboy-on-Native American violence, which is even here toned down relative to the arcade original. The #Genesis version is terrible. #RetroGameCollector #RetroGaming #RetroGames #Nintendo