Sign the petition, stand up for the freedoms of all of us! Long live Hungarian freedom!
Pride is not just a demonstration. Pride is a movement.
The government is trying to restrict peaceful protests with a critical voice by targeting a minority. Therefore, as a movement, we will fight for the freedom of all Hungarians to protest!
The amendment to the assembly law to ban pride marches will create a madeup rule to ban any demonstration on any pretext. Organisers and participants of demonstrations are being intimidated and discouraged from expressing their political views by the use of facial recognition software and the threat of fines. The modification to the assembly law was passed by 136 "brave people" in the parliament on March 18th 2025, and signed by the President of Hungary on March 19th. But the fight is just beginning. We will not let Hungary's largest regular human rights demonstration, the Budapest Pride March, be banned!