It's #ScreenshotSaturday!
Take a look at the #CityBuilder #RPG Where Noble Plans Lie.
Wishlist on #Steam:
Wishlist the #CityBuilder #RPG Where Noble Plans Lie this #WishlistWednesday.
On #Steam for #PC:
Manor Lords si aggiorna con la nuova mappa Collina del Diavolo e uno strumento Pianificatore del Castello migliorato! In arrivo novità anche per l'albero tecnologico e le città IA. #giochiPC #videogiochi #citybuilder #manorlords #notizievideogiochi #gamingnews
I've definitely been quiet about Iron Village lately - all my spare time has been spent cramming everything in before the release on March 24th! Here's a screenshot from some recent testing though.
#IronVillage #gamedev #indiegamedev #pixelart #townbuilder #citybuilder
Wishlist now on Steam so you get a reminder when the full game is out!
Bon matin le Fediverse
Je me suis couchée ce matin à 9h30 après plus de 14h sur Foundation que je viens d’acheter, je suis totalement décalée, et je crois que j’aime bien ce jeu. Là je repousse un peu ma sortie du lit, parce que je sais que je vais le relancer et replonger dans le trou noir. Mais je dois réussir à me recaler pour mer redi matin et le boulot
There are so many people around for #ScreenshotSaturday!
Wishlist the #CityBuilder #RPG #WhereNoblePlansLie Lie on #Steam:
Endzone 2: nuovo aggiornamento con spedizioni sotterranee stile Fallout, sistema educativo per coloni, tabellone missioni e riciclo edifici! Esplora un aeroporto e un rifugio antiatomico e addestra i tuoi coloni. Disponibile ora! #giochipc #videogiochi #citybuilder #endzone2 #gamingnews
Wishlist the #CityBuilder #RPG Where Noble Plans Lie this #WishlistWednesday.
On #Steam for #PC:
Wishlist the #CityBuilder #RPG Where Noble Plans Lie this #WishlistWednesday.
On #Steam for #PC:
Stellar Settlers: Space Base Builder, a space city-builder with both vertical and horizontal city growth progression, released on Steam.
Next Fest coming early? The Iron Village 0.8.04 demo is up on Steam now, featuring five new languages: Deutsch, Français, 日本語, 中国人, 中國人. That's in addition to English, Português (Brasil), y Español.
Demo Link:
Release Notes:
Foundation now in 1.0 release. It's been on my Steam wishlist for a while, but is it really ready to play yet? I am intrigued... #pcgaming #gaming #citybuilder #sim
A New Cozy Medieval City Build... []
Foundation now in 1.0 release. It's been on my Steam wishlist for a while, but is it really ready to play yet? I am intrigued... #pcgaming #gaming #citybuilder #sim
It's #ScreenshotSaturday!
Take a look at the #CityBuilder #RPG Where Noble Plans Lie.
Wishlist on #Steam:
I admit, in these first playthroughs of Foundation I have managed to create a somewhat unstable ... well, foundation, for building the town up. But tonight I'm going to try to deep dive into logistics and see if it can be salvaged! #gaming #foundation #citybuilder
Nova Patria (in development), a Roman alt-history steampunk citybuilder releases their Feb 2025 video update highlighting art direction updates and new gameplay dynamics.
Mini City: Mayhem, a cozy small scale city builder focused on quick sessions and different gameplay modes, released on Steam.
It's graph screen Saturday! #ScreenshotSaturday #WhereNoblePlansLie
Wishlist on #Steam: