Thelma A. Cinco
As a pioneering climatologist and meteorologist with over 39 years of experience, Thelma A. Cinco has been at…
#Climate #ClimateChange #Climate-Change

Thelma A. Cinco
As a pioneering climatologist and meteorologist with over 39 years of experience, Thelma A. Cinco has been at…
#Climate #ClimateChange #Climate-Change
During the roughly month-long expedition, the researchers piloted a remotely operated vehicle to capture photos & video & collect specimens from some of the deepest reaches off #Antarctica. The team also explored areas of the remote BellingshausenSea farther from the ice sheet. Among the species potentially new to #science are crustaceans, sea snails, worms & fish.
It will take months of lab analysis to confirm the discovery of any #NewSpecies.
#ocean #discovery #research #climate #ClimateChange
…The scientists didn’t think much life could thrive tucked under such a thick blanket of ice.
But what the team members found under the #iceberg surprised them: giant sea spiders, octopuses, ice fish, corals & sponges, including a vase-shaped one that might be hundreds of years old. In total, the researchers believe they will be able to identify dozens of #NewSpecies from the expedition.
Researchers were working off the coast of #Antarctica when it happened: A gigantic #iceberg about 19 miles long cracked off the #IceShelf on Jan 13, revealing a swath of #ocean that had not seen daylight in decades.
The team aboard a #research vessel called the Falkor (too) decided to search the seafloor under the freshly exposed ocean. No human had ever explored the deep sea there before.
#science #discovery #climate #ClimateChange
In Good News / Bad News ?
A huge #iceberg broke off #Antarctica. What scientists found under it startled them.
Crustaceans, snails, worms & fish are among the dozens of creatures that deep-sea explorers discovered under a massive Antarctic #IceShelf.
#science #discovery #research #climate #ClimateChange
"In Finland, more than half of consumers are shopping less for climate reasons"
Geoffrey Deihl (@gdeihl) is a tireless writer on the subjects of authoritarian politics, ecological overshoot, and real-world solutions for navigating through the treacherous times we face.
In the essay I'm highlighting here, Geoff provides an excellent summary of the vital need for change *and* the deadly risk of complacency, along with an inspiring blueprint for the kind of healthy, sustainable society we might build...
The Five Fundamentals of Degrowth
1. Abandon GDP (gross domestic product) as a measure of progress.
2. Scale down throughput and eliminate waste.
3. Shorten the work week to reduce our carbon footprint.
4. Expand social services to support good lives without high levels of income.
5. Redistribute wealth.
Degrowth.net is an informative and easy to read resource for learning the basics of what we need to do, why we need to do it, and what we might achieve if we have the courage to try.
On the page I'm highlighting here, they cover the values and principles underlying the degrowth movement, core ideas leading toward a sustainable and equitable future.
Here is how they describe it...
Values in the context of degrowth are the deep-seated beliefs and ideals that motivate the movement's vision for society. They represent the ethical foundation upon which the degrowth philosophy is built.
Principles of degrowth are the actionable guidelines derived from its values. They offer a framework for making decisions and formulating strategies aimed at achieving the degrowth vision.
Part 3 will follow soon.
Here we are. It's DegrowThursday again.
Every week on this day I turn my focus toward the most important topic of all. Because if we are to have any hope of maintaining some semblance of a healthy human society going forward, our world must quickly and decisively commit to #degrowth.
We're talking real solutions here! Real answers to the many systemic problems that plague us and threaten our very extinction.
Now, I know how unlikely it is that these solutions will be adopted by our present leadership. And I know how challenging they will be to achieve. I'm under no illusion that any of this will be easy.
But — if we don't know where we want to go, we'll never get there.
So today, I'll provide two resources for learning about degrowth. The first is simpler and more basic, while also offering a more hopeful and positive outlook. The second is a darker vision, presenting additional detail about the daunting challenges we face and the many hard steps that lie ahead of us. I hope you'll read both, or I hope you'll read at least one of them.
That's my intro.
Only 15 countries have met the latest Paris agreement deadline. Is any nation serious about tackling climate change? https://phys.org/news/2025-03-countries-met-latest-paris-agreement.html
Heading to the KR10 conference to present work in this and other #caves in #Utah. #geology #earthscience #climate #paleoclimate #science
State of the Global Climate 2024
Key messages:
Key #ClimateChange indicators again reach record levels
Long-term #warming (averaged over decades) remains below 1.5°C
#SeaLevelRise and #OceanWarming #irreversible for hundreds of years
Record #GreenhouseGas concentrations combined with #ElNiño and other factors to drive 2024 record heat
Early warnings and #climate services are vital to protect communities and economies
The clear signs of human-induced climate change reached new heights in 2024, which was likely the first calendar year to be more than 1.5°C above the pre-industrial era, with a global mean near-surface temperature of 1.55 ± 0.13 °C above the 1850-1900 average.
For nearly 50 years #BigOil slow-walked the world to disaster by lying about the danger of Climate Change & creating denial/doubt about the science & solutions. Our latest show digs in to a new report about how they're STILL doing it to our children in our schools
A book review that says: "The end of capitalism – or the end of civilization? The choice could be that stark."
Herrmann argues that there is no choice other than radical and seemingly unimaginable change if we are to survive in anything like a civilized condition: “There is no alternative for the industrialized countries. Either they end growth voluntarily, or the era of growth will end violently, when everything that forms the basis of our way of life has been destroyed.”
There is no doubt that unmitigated climate change and environmental degradation will transform our lives and the political systems that circumscribe them. By the time they do, it may be too late to do anything useful, other than keep a lid on social breakdown. It won’t necessarily be the end of the world, but it may be the end of any human civilization worthy of the name.
FULL REVIEW -- https://theconversation.com/the-end-of-capitalism-or-the-end-of-civilisation-the-choice-could-be-that-stark-250922
GET THE BOOK -- https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-end-of-capitalism-why-growth-and-climate-protection-are-incompatible-and-how-we-will-live-in-the-future/7f61983f99d22db3
The program was created by #Biden’s 2022 Inflation Reduction Act to finance #CleanEnergy & #climate-friendly projects.
Zeldin [falsely] accused the grant recipients of mismanagement, fraud & self-dealing & froze the #grants.
The order by US Dist Judge #Chutkan prevents—for now—the #EPA from ending the $20B #grant program.
Chutkan's order also blocks #Citibank, which holds the money on behalf of the EPA, from transferring the money back to the govt or anyone.
#ClimateUnitedFund & other groups sued #Trump’s EPA, its admin #LeeZeldin & Citibank, saying they had illegally denied the groups access to $14B awarded last year through the #GreenhouseGas Reduction Fund, commonly referred to as a “green bank."