Location: Lorrainebad, Bern
The Slogan: Macht aus dem Staat Gurkensalat (in its orginal Swiss German version: Machet usem Staat Gurkesalat) [Turn the state into cucumber salad] from the 80ies is transformed into a feminist message: Macht aus dem Patriarchat Gurkensalat [Turn the patriarchy into cucumber salad].
Patriarchy is still one of the fundamental structural problems in our societies. It remains the breeding ground for sexist thinking and the blueprint for power from the top down. We have not managed to smash it, yet already we see this massive anti-feminist backlash from without – and within like from the tiktoked hipsterification of tradwifes or TERFs or many other forms of "enemy feminisms" > Sophie Lewis newest book: https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/2440-enemy-feminisms
Photo description: A wooden wall with some grafiti on the left with a pathway next to the river on the right is a feminist collage pasted that reads: MACHT AUS DEM PATRIARCHAT GURKENSALAT [translates to: Turn the patriarchy into cucumber salad]
#Feminist #FeministStrike #Femicide #Feminicide #Feminizid #PatriarchyKills #Collage #FeministCollage #CollagesFeministes #Bern #Switzerland #Féminicide #MeToo #GreveFeministe #Sexism #WomanLifeFreedom #Revolution #NiUnaMenos