"In the heart of every craftsman lies a dream that their creation becomes a beacon for those who seek beauty amidst the mundane." - Anonymous
Coding is like taking a lump of clay and slowly working it into the thing you want it to become. It is this process, and your intimacy with the medium and the materials you’re shaping, that teaches you about what you’re making – its qualities, tolerances, and limits – even as you make it. You know the least about what you’re making the moment before you actually start making it. That’s when you think you know what you want to make. The process, which is an iterative one, is what leads you towards understanding what you actually want to make, whether you were aware of it or not at the beginning. Design is not merely about solving problems; it’s about discovering what the right problem to solve is and then solving it. Too often we fail not because we didn’t solve a problem well but because we solved the wrong problem.
When you skip the process of creation you trade the thing you could have learned to make for the simulacrum of the thing you thought you wanted to make. Being handed a baked and glazed artefact that approximates what you thought you wanted to make removes the very human element of discovery and learning that’s at the heart of any authentic practice of creation. Where you know everything about the thing you shaped into being from when it was just a lump of clay, you know nothing about the image of the thing you received for your penny from the vending machine.
#Existence: The point of all #creation. How?
Because as far as 2025 27th Feb we know you cannot get something from nothing, is this all a #paradox or not? Still looking for that answer, feel free to chime in with a comment or contact directly.
Ça vous semblerait une bonne idée, quelque-chose auquel vous voudriez vous inscrire, ou participer à construire même juste en brainstorming? Je suis ouverte aux réponses, dm, critiques, au besoin je peux créer une discussion de groupe. C'est pas un soucis, ça me ferait super plaisir :)
#mastolivre #auteur #queer #inclusion #autrice #écrivaine #ecrivain #poésie #poete #poetesse #communauté #écriture #poeme #artiste #creation #forum #moderation #féministe #antifa